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Training For Kids


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I'm just starting my 7 year old lad in trials, bought him a Beta 50, joined a club/practice area and we've had several outings now and i've just let him ride the bike, get used to the ground, go up and down a few hills etc but my question is what to do next?

Do you just let them go at their own pace? - he's more than happy just riding the bike at the moment

Try and get him to ride over more difficult terrain without him realising?

Or just set up some small obstacles/sections and get him to try them?

I don't want to push him to hard and get to the point where he's not enjoying it


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Rule number 1 is that it should be fun!!

At 7 he's the perfect age for a conducted trial, many clubs organize them, normally set out separately from the main trial especially for the youngsters to get started.

They will be walked through the sections one at a time, before they ride it.

It will also help you to understand what skills he needs to learn so you can help him with 'structured' practice .. keeping it fun of course!

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Rule number 1 is that it should be fun!!

At 7 he's the perfect age for a conducted trial, many clubs organize them, normally set out separately from the main trial especially for the youngsters to get started.

They will be walked through the sections one at a time, before they ride it.

It will also help you to understand what skills he needs to learn so you can help him with 'structured' practice .. keeping it fun of course!

Good advice. Plus riding with his peers is very motivating for a 7 year old!

ESTC do a good seperate conducted route. They have an event this Sunday.

Here's a shot taken a couple of years back.


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As you and your son are members of Zona 1 why don't you enter him on the conducted route ? next trial 20th May. The GREEN route has been put on for kids and adults alike, who are at this stage of riding ability !!!!

That's my intention, but need to get him practicing a bit. We have just had a morning up at zona and he has really suprised me to what he could, compared to last week. So im more than happy to enter him in next months event, i think he will enjoy seeing the other kids riding as well

Thanks for all of the replies

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i think he will enjoy seeing the other kids riding as well

I think this is a big part when you are young. I must have been around 9 or 10 when I first started (so not super young), and it was allways daunting going to a trial with all adults riding, who obviously were super confident in how to handle a bike. Going to youth events however, and seeing people your own age really does help, and adds a bit of fun competition.

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