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Mixture Screw Settings


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Set the screw 1.5 turns out. Fully warm the bike up and set tickover very slightly fast. Adjust mixxture screw until tickover is at its fastest then reduce tickover to normal using tickover screw.

Mixture screw should be between 1 and 2.5 turns out otherwise jetting or float level adjustments may be needed.

Ride the bike and check it picks up instantly and cleanly, if not try adjusting mixture screw 1/8th of a turn either way.

That is a VERY brief guide

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Set the screw 1.5 turns out. Fully warm the bike up and set tickover very slightly fast. Adjust mixxture screw until tickover is at its fastest then reduce tickover to normal using tickover screw.

Mixture screw should be between 1 and 2.5 turns out otherwise jetting or float level adjustments may be needed.

Ride the bike and check it picks up instantly and cleanly, if not try adjusting mixture screw 1/8th of a turn either way.

That is a VERY brief guide

another way

start at 1 1/2 out and turn in until the idle changes, remember setting. Turn out until the idle changes, remember setting. Set at the middle (remembered settings) +1/8-1/4 turns.

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