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Gasgas Boss Josep Pibernat Photo Interview


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I was lucky enough to get to meet and interview the co founder and the actual boss of GasGas from 1973 - 2010 Josep Pibernat.

It took me 2 trips to Spain to get it complete, because i wanted to get it right , not leave it feeling lacking.

He's a character and a very interesting guy to observe and you cant help admire him. He was the hub of so much of the Retro years.

He was at the helm of the factory from the very start untill he sold out his shares in 2010 growing it from nothing to the biggest player in the industry.

So , this interview is more for people who are interested in what goes on behind the scenes . Its not aimed at a story about the riders , but more the business , the figures ,the factory . I had questions i needed clearing up . Piber doesnt dwell on his answers thinking about what to say and then censoring it to make it palatable , like others ive met.

He just says it as it is.

Piber was very very frank and straight forward with me and it was refreshing to hear.

Its on my hobby website


Ive got a lot more ready to go online but its hard to find the time as they keep taking me longer to do (sign of OCD !!) :).

I hope you enjoy:)


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What a fantastic article and very true to the man. I was actually at Piber's house the day that Jordi Pascuet rode the waterfall (twice) - first time he was a little slow and ended up with wet feet! Second time was perfect - lots of laughs all round.

Thanks so much for the great work you do with your site, and the depth you have gone to, showing such dedication and hard work for the benefit of Trials riders around the globe. Well done, and a fine read.

Narcis next?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nope , dont think so Ha ha. I knew Paxau had deserted Gasgas with Codina for the new Sherco project and they were pretty upset when the near identical Sherco appeared , conducting a component for component weight comparison. I thought time might have mellowed it all.... but obviously no. I was careful to try and balance the page with Paxaus work / contribution so it didn't all come over to bad . Piber wouldn't agree with my glowing comments . The interview says it ,warts and all.

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