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Sorn Rules


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I recently tried to check on the SORN of my Motorhome and this was the result:-

It may be of use to explain that as a result of the Road Transport Red Tape Challenge, the legislation affecting Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) was changed from 16/12/2013. The new legislation means that once the registered keeper of the vehicle has notified DVLA that their vehicle is on a SORN declaration, they will no longer have to renew their SORN annually.

Any SORN declaration expiring after the 16/12/2013 has now been made indefinite and the registered keeper will not receive any future V11 Renewal reminders.

I have checked our record and can confirm that the SORN for this vehicle has been extended.

Your SORN declaration will remain valid until the vehicle is re-taxed, sold, permanently exported or scrapped.

Continuous Registration Enforcement still applies. If a SORN declaration is not made and the vehicle is untaxed, the vehicle keeper could be liable to receive a penalty. All vehicle records are checked automatically and if there is no current tax or SORN in force, action is taken automatically from the record.

The legislation that covers SORN is the Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing Regulation 2002 schedule 4)

In regards to the V5C Registration Certificate you are using, the Electronic Vehicle Licensing (EVL) system was unable to detect the vehicle details as an invalid reference number from a V5C was entered. I should advise the EVL system will only recognise the most recently issued V5C document reference number.

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