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2017 gas gas


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Dw, I have 2 of these. Build quality is equally as good as any trials bike out there at the moment. Maintenance is easy, especially as nothing really happens to them unexpected. No hidden surprises. 2017 has improvements over previous models. My last 5 bikes have been Gas Gas and have never let me down once.I'm not one for over maintenance. I keep them clean, lubricate chain, clean air filter every so often. That's about it. Most people who have problems with bikes are the ones stripping them down every 5 minutes in my experience. Anyway, I'd recommend to anyone. Tom


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I have a '17 TXT125 and build quality is comparable to new Sherco/Scorpa models. Maintenance should be about the same, since they have a similar fuel tank/airbox design as the GG now.  Question is more about design features and how they would work for you?   The kickstart gear design is different, as the GG has only a partial gear, not a full 360 degree one, like a Sherco/Scorpa.  Not all people, including myself can start them easily. I have a a twice operated on right knee and I'm short legged. The other difference is the 4/2 tech 6 speed GG gearbox.  Dual range with a big jump between 4th and 5th, which requires a careful low rev shift with clutch.  Riding the loop on the 125, this becomes a bit of a pain for me, as you need to shift between 4th and 5th more than bigger bikes.  Big benefit is the GG diaphragm clutch.... lightest and most progressive in the biz.  Sherco/Scorpa has adopted a similar design, but actuated by a push rod from the opposite side of engine, not from the clutch cover.

I'm switching to a '17 Scorpa 125SC for ease of starting and more conventional 5 speed gearbox, but these are for personal preference.

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My son has a 2013 TXT 125, it is a dream to ride and very easy to do basic maintenance, on, as very well designed, only gripe is for a small youngster - it is  a pain to start ( due to partial gear) which means in practice I have to start it if he gets stuck in a section. Compared to a modern Beta 80 he previously had, which was always needing parts, very happy overall.

I was waiting to buy a new vertigo 125 however as they did not materialise last year, I am looking else where, as I suspect it will not materialise,  and may well buy a Sherco,, Scorpa or even TRS when I change it this year, although clearly if the 2018 Gas Gas is easier to start it will be a contender.






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Just now, miny said:

I thought it was just me that had a problem starting my 125 pro. I'm  short too. Do you think other bikes are easier to start? Not had much experience of other bikes.

btw Duncan told me there is a mod for the diaphragm clutch that makes it much lighter.  

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The Xiu clutch (the entire package consists of the adjustable clutch ring, fingers and kevlar plates) doesn't change lever effort (at least not on the stock setting, but the others only increase it as they increase preload). There is another modification which involves milling a tiny amount off the radius of the stock clutch ring, originally done by Trün racing, which does lower the effort a bit.

Edited by heffergm
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