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Gas Gas 'pinking' Maybe?


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Hi everyone. I own a 2005 Gas Gas TXT280Pro thats making a metallic clinking sound at mid revs upwards in every gear. Is this pinking. I've heard that using a higher octane fuel can help but can anyone advice what the carb settings should be. I.E fuel / air screw etc. I tried to download the user manual but apparently its not available for the 2005 model for whatever reason. I bought the bike second hand so would like to know what the base settings for the carb are in so I know if they've been altered. Advice much appriciated

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If its something that's started recently and you haven't changed anything check for leaks on the intake side; particularly the face between the crankcase and the reed block/intake stub. The rubber intake stubs can also split, but always at the back, next to the exhaust, where you can't see! I always use super unleaded fuel too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, if the Premium contains 10% ethanol, I get pinking. But most of the pinking goes away when I use the 100% gasoline premium.

When I've added 1/3 race gas, the motor seems to loose some of its power, and some of its "snap".

I ride a 2002 GG 280 Edition.

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Also, if the Premium contains 10% ethanol, I get pinking. But most of the pinking goes away when I use the 100% gasoline premium.

When I've added 1/3 race gas, the motor seems to loose some of its power, and some of its "snap".

I ride a 2002 GG 280 Edition.

The race fuel will give you less "snap" due to it's slower burning properties (kinda like retarding the static timing a little, it changes the "Indicated Mean Effective Pressure" ie: there is a little less pressure buildup between when the plug fires and the piston reaches TDC). I use it in my 02' 280 Pro to smooth out the lower RPM power delivery (I'm a slow, old geezer) and it can be used by riders to adjust the power output in wet, sloppy conditions when traction is marginal (softer power delivery off-idle) and the radiator may get plugged with mud (the higher octane is a little insurance to resist detonation due to higher engine temps).

Jetting on the 05' Pro (sea level) should be in the neighborhood of:

MAIN: 116/118

PILOT: 36/38


FUEL SCREW: 3.5 TURNS OUT TO START (adjust for ambient conditions)

I run my 280 with a 118/38/2nd-clip combo with good results and never a "pink".....:thumbup:


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Gday, Give it a good decoke (head off) and while you are at it, check your Carb as Jon said above, and clean the pipe from front to back. It should run like a beauty afterwards. It is a 2-stroke, burning all its oil after all.



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