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New Old Guy Needs Help


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1st post so be kind

new guy from Mississippi USA

im 60 and about worn out

have a number of replacement parts

but i dont mean chains and pistons

its a hip and knee or too

that said

my model 91 Sherpa T is a 1972 model

ive owned it almost 40 years

how can i make it easier to crank

i switched to ngk iridium plugs and 40-1 Belray full synthetic

seem to help

a recent post mentioned easier cranking with 50-1

will my bike digest this ratio ok or is it too old?

as its a long way from the old 25-1 recomendation


is there an affordable electronic ignition conversion avaliable

$400 $450 or less thats reliable out there somewhere?

not trying to be cheap

actually and i guess its not out of line to mention non trials bikes

just that i also have model 85 250 alpina

so im talking times two

thanks in advance


Edited by youngbloodhawk
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If you google "motorcycle electrics uk" youll find as company that sells bultaco electronic kits. A fresh delorto or mikuni carb may help as well? I have a decomp on my SWM and it really helps so you don't try to kick at TDC. You can also hill start in a low gear with a decomp.

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Nothing you mention will make it 'easier to start'. The Bultaco will start first time on points and Amal if in good order. I have electronic ignition and a Dellorto on my 340 and it is no different to kick up than my old model 92 which is on points. I think if you spend money on new ignition and new carb, you're going to be disappointed.

I'm guessing you're having problems because of the high kickstart, kickstart gear ratio and the compression. Try and get the technique better. Get the kickstart positioned by pulling in the clutch, rotating it then letting it back up to where it is comfortable, just on or past the vertical, then usually one hard push will do it. Don't kick or thrash at it, as that usually just results in a kick-back and your knee in the bars.

Not sure a decompressor will help on the Bultaco due to the ratio and short throw but if you can get one fitted relatively cheaply it's worth a try.

If you do end up getting electronic and from the UK, i'd get one from Bultaco UK or Rex Caunt (same ignition I think) rather than Electrex.

I use 50:1 with Castrol TTS and a two year old rebuilt motor still sounds as new and it has had a good hammering in that time with regular use. Won't make any difference to starting over 40:1 though.

Plug is NGKBP6ES

Nice Stingray

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I'm not saying that is the plug to use, just that it is the plug I have in mine and the bike runs fine on it. I've used between BP5ES and BP7ES with no problems in all my Bults and Ossas. I doubt you'd tell any difference between them. I can't anyway, they're too close together in the heat range.

The only plugs I don't use are the micro-tipped things which are no good for trials bikes, they're made for constantly high revving engines and need the revs to keep clean, such as motocross. As soon as you run the engine slowly like on a trials, or as we did, an enduro bike, they can whisker and pack up.

No idea whether TTS is semi or fully synthetic, I've used it for years and never had problems, it doesn't gum up rings or exhaust and the piston is always nicely coated when I've removed a cylinder, as is big end. It's what I've run my 340 on in the two years since it was rebuilt and it still sounds like new and it has taken some real abuse in sections and done a lot of roadwork.

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thanks for the information so far guys


at 40-1 and synthetic im good

always used bp5es at gapped at 20

ngk iridiums at 22 not what i need

dont need electronic and carb is tight

sounds like i just need to keep cranking them cold with me standing

on my milk crate

as after the 1st start it they crank very easily for the rest of the day

all ears for anything else


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  • 1 month later...

update guys

life is good

got harder and harder to start cold then

common sence returned

filed and opened points gap a little

after a week of not cranking


there is a god!

week later, starts as new


other thing i relearned from the old days was


no throttle on 1st kick to enrichen

(throttle kills choke effect)

then 1/4 for a little air afterwards


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I find it also helps to put the bike in 3rd or 4th gear and rock it back and forth a few times before kicking, It's like kicking it a bunch of times without the effort. If you hold the clutch lever in while rocking it'll help get it broke loose too.

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'If you do end up getting electronic and from the UK, i'd get one from Bultaco UK or Rex Caunt (same ignition I think) rather than Electrex.'

Is there a running, starting or fitting issue with the Electrex ignition? Just curious, I am looking to purchase a Bultaco electronic system quite soon.

Edited by trialsrfun
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hi i had a electronic ignition from bultaco uk with no issues easy to fix can only go on 1 way the only thing you will you dont get a big spark this is nothing to worry about stats up and runs great i will be buying anougther 1 hope this helps.

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