Hi everyone, just took my recently acquired 2016 ice hell out for a ride the other day. it was running fine for about 3 hours and then about an hour after i refuelled it, it sounded like it was running out of fuel and then died. after about 4/5 kicks it would start again and then run for 5 minutes until it would do the same thing
anyone have any idea what it could be? I've heard possible fuel regulator? but not too sure
I had problems with my electric system 2017 300cc ICE Hell capacitor leading to fuel pump not activating/energizing properly at start up/kick...sometimes very hard to start! I actually installed a tiny 12V Lithium rechargeable battery into the airbox 🔋 and a switch to turn off/on. Now when I hit the switch, I can hear the fuel pump energize and kicks first kick no problem every time. I don't like the capacitor being only source of initial power on the newest models, so I fixed it. Problem solv