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Posts posted by shutes_images
  1. Hi All,

    Decided to head further a field and found myself in a field with baking hot sun and shadows that were killing me any suggestions on combating the dreaded shadows and not the ones with Guitars lol.

    The trial was in Memory of Ron Stevens raising funds for Parkinsons UK, nice bunch of people and apart for the mile walk up to the sections had a great day.

    2010-05-23 OWLS MCC - Penshurst



  2. Well latest outing today, as this is tips and tricks then feel I should not just keep posting links to the flickr pics.

    So I have just changed out from a Canon 40D with a 70-200 F4 L series lens, I am now running with Nikon D300s and 18-50 F2.8 & 50-150 F2.8 Sigma lenses, I avoid flash like the plague mainly as not really sure the club guys would be all that pleased with me both getting in their way but also blinding them with the flash.

    With the sun high and breaking through the trees this is making the pics difficult to make sure the faces are not all dark, so a combination of high ISO, settings with aperture priority set to max at F2.8 I am just about making pics that are both interesting and rewarding. Oh yeh biggest improvement to colour was not using auto white balance, running with a combination of cloudy and direct sunshine in shade.

    Other tip, get used to cleaning mud off the camera, cannot be avoided if you want the shots.

    Here is the link then to my latest:

    Twickenham TVTC Trial - Hook Woods, Surrey

    Lastly, big thanks to Jim Connor for letting me rock up and giving me a nice parking spot.

    Cheers all


  3. Hi All,

    Well thought as Andy was kind enough to post a link to my pics from the Ladies Rnd 1 I should pop in here and say hi to all fellow Trials pic takers.

    Been working with my local clubs since Dec 09 and getting there slowly, I am no PRO and it is a hobby business not the full life and blood of my income.

    Not sure I should post a link to my Flickr site here so if you have a look around with my user name sure you will find some of my shots.

    All the best and may the sun keep shining for us all



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