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Posts posted by firestarter
  1. Hi new here looking for a bit of advice on a bike for the kids, one is four and one is six they are 41" and 44" tall and both ride pedal bikes, and both started on balance bikes. They currently ride islabikes pedal bikes the lad on the one that has a seat height the same as the 12.5 oset and the girl the bigger one with seat height same as the seat height as the 16 oset

    He Has his seat about an inch or so higher than stock and is confident standing and flying round and can get on his sisters bike balanced on one foot and would probably ride it given half a chance

    His sister rides the larger bike but not with as much confidence as him she was more confident on the smaller bike but she I getting better every day.

    My worry is sizing and getting either too big or too small, small and they get lots of confidence and learn well but need upgrading very soon, but too big and they can't ride with any confidence

    Bigger wheels will roll better over things and have better brakes but I don't want to scare them but equally don't want it to last six months

    I've heard they are easier to master than pedal bikes so they should be able to just get right on and go, they had a quick lesson at the bikesafe show on a Honda crf50 the girl could touch the floor with one foot but the boy couldn't but the seat is 3" higher on that bike than the oset 20, they were shakey but really enjoyed it

    So any advice from any owners . Sorry for the long winded post but I want to get the right one for them and they are going to have to share for at least a year I'm afraid :(

    I'm in Leeds UK if that makes any difference for any advice or places to look. Thanks again Mick

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