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Posts posted by abe75
  1. Hey Andy,

    Poles is a great place to ride, been going for few years now, caters for all skill levels. Ideally u shld ride with a buddy and if not stay by the front section, Southend run trials there and all the guys are friendly and helpful.

    Paul Nash also sells trial bikes, as mentioned above but really nice guy, had few bikes off him and always been happy with the bikes and advice.

    Good luck


  2. Hey Dave,

    Yeah, sounds similar, i bought a second hand 2010 16/24v, it ran ok but battery life was short, only ran for about 90 mins and the motor made a heavy wurring sound.

    Unfortunately if the previous owner left the bike for long period of time or water damage has rusted the motor. I had to replace the motor, you could ask the nice guys at Oset to refurb the motor, it cld be worth saving.

    Good luck


  3. Hey Greg,

    ok didint realise but wheel bearings are loose ball bearings rather than fixed, you would think a bike of this cost would have the more expensive parts, oh well.

    so took wheel off, cleaned and re-greased bearings, its not the back wheel bearings, it seems to be the motor bearings, do i even attempt to take that off?


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