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Posts posted by max55
  1. Hello to all,

    Similar to jkmr1 I have a a slight issue with my Ossa mapping.

    That's a nice story...

    Here we go:

    I have bought a 2012 Ossa 280 TRi 4 mouth ago. And so far the bike was running like a dream, and I reall mean it :)

    I am 85 Kg, 25 year old and I ride the German Championship in "Klasse 2" (the second highest class) so the level being quite high, I need a bike that worked well.

    Given a tight budget, I found this Ossa 280 2012 in France (I'm French, I work and ride in Germany) but there was something special with that bike..

    Indeed, it is THE bike that was used as a "Press Test" bike for the former Ossa France importer Adrien Prato, an all round nice chap.

    The fact that the bike was a Press Test bike as its importance because although it was stock (no Termignioni exhaust, no special cylinder or head) the bike had an INCREDIBLE amount of poweeeeer.

    Many German fellow, competitng in my class, riding 280 Ossa 2014 Factory found my bike more powerful, torquey and responsive as theirs...

    So all was well. The bike even starts and runs at Idle immediately with no problem since day 1 (even without the battery behind the front light!) There is something mystic about this bike I tell you :)

    But here is the problem:

    Two days ago, right in the morning of a race in Bayern, an Ossa dealer was there and he had the K-Scan software and cable, and the bike was running at idle a little low, I was afraid of getting a 5 stupidly because of engine stalling so I asked him to set the idle a tad higher, to which he answred no roblem at all.

    Bike's battery in place, cable plugged, computer running, the idle setting started, he took this opportunity to have a look at which map I was using (upon request of two other Ossa riders who wanted the same as my bike) AND THEN, right before he had the time to write down said name (which was according to him, very unusual, noting like 280, factory evo 3 or else) his computer changed its mind about working and crashed completely...

    As a result, my mapping was lost, and in order to make the bike work again, he had to load one of the mapping he had on his computer (once said computer decided to start again)

    As a result I am now riding a Ossa 280 that is as slow and down on power as a V8 muscle car rnning on 2 cylinders!

    We've tried several maps, and even the ones with fancy names like : Factory Racing Evo 1, 2 or 3 are no match to haul my 85kg over 2 meters steps.

    The bike is now stalling like there is no torque (and you all know that the Ossa NEVER wants to Stall)

    So here I am... Sad and miserable, looking at this wonderful bike in my garage, perfectly maintained, in tip top shape, but not powerful enough anymore.

    I don't know what my mapping name was, I should have never asked him to set the idle, it is my entire fault.

    I have contacted the factory in Spain and I'awaiting an answer...

    Anyway, the situation is no so bleek, because amoug my friends here, I have access to the K-Scan and the cables (Ze Germans and their love for material), what I need is the correct mapping.

    Have you ever heard of "special Maps" for the Ossa ? Do you know where I could find a bunch of maps, to try and find the Holy Grail ?

    Thanks for the courageous ones who found the courage to read my poor English untill here.

    Best regards to all

  2. Hello to all my fellow Trial riders.

    My name is Max I'm French and I have been riding Trial for about 15 years now. I'm 25 so that's quite a big chink of my life already :)

    I've been riding GasGas for a seriously long time, and I recently bought a 2012 Ossa 28TRi (Press Test bike) and I have nothing but positive things to say about it. Apart from some minor inconvenience...

    The more I ride the bike, the more I know it, and the more I am amazed by its potential (giving the right settings and all)

    My job moved me to Germany one and a half year ago, and I've been lucky enough to find some great Trial riders here (Augsburg) and I have been able to continue riding here every week (in a land as strict as Germany with offroad vehicles, how lucky is that!)

    Well I'm glad to have found this community at Trials Central, and I hope I'll learn more and share my experience with the Ossa in the next days.

    Good day to you all.

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