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Posts posted by paulthistle
  1. The 250f bottom out bumper(rubber) is prone to disintergrating. The fragments get in the shock valve stack and makes the suspension very loose. with little comression and rebound damping. It can be repaired but the shock body has to be replaced to do it.

  2. So promote the crosstraining.

    Put on a trials sat afternoon or evening before a hare scramble or off road event.

    Have a trials "Class" the day before a local hare scramble event.

    Get (Buy) the gncc, worcs, ama offroad mailing list. Have a free class and test ride day at a local event.

    Trials clubs buy a used bike and promote it's use by first timers. A fleet of small bikes?

    Have a "Free ride day" at a club trials. Bring a newbie and ride for free. Shere your bike, tightwad.

    So I read the "thinking outside of the box" post and Dale stole my ideas, a couple of weeks before I even thought them.

  3. Thats a good interveiw, light and flowing. The fact gestapo definately busted him on accuracy. But who cares, no claim of the greatest of all time, just bs'n. That is what thats called, isn't it? Just a good read.

  4. Hensley,

    I was living in tallahassee fl. I look back and wonder how I did it. I wasn't much older than my 12 year old. My mother would drive me to the sellers houses, I was a paperboy and watched the crap for sale. So I took my paperboy money bought junk and I would hang them out the back of the lemans for the ride home. Cool!

    I tore up a lot of stuff. But I learned alot of what you couldn't do. ;)

  5. Lets see;

    Rupp minibike

    74 RD60

    JT1 Mini enduro

    Harley 125 rapidio ($20 in box)


    Bridgestone 100 (another box)

    Harley SX175

    Mongomery Wards 125 (Ducati)

    Superhawk 305




    IT175 77

    CR125 77

    CR/XL 125

    XR200 82


    S2 350 Kaw

    DT125 1980

    H2 Kaw

    YZ250 1980

    S1 250 kaw

    KX125 81

    VF500 84


    CB400A 1978


    XR350 1985

    XR250 1986

    YZ125 1990

    YZ125 1975

    XR350 again

    DT50 1990

    YZ125 1998

    YZ250 1979

    TTR250 2000

    YZ250F 2001

    WR250F 2001

    WR250F 2003

    YZ125 2005

    Sherco 125 2005

    Beta 125 2007

    YZ450 2008

    Not all I've owned, but all I've spent time riding.

  6. Atom, I think I misquoted you. I believe you said "oh @&$" which proves your pure athe

    ist heart, er... Brain.

    So when you tell your woman you love her, is it with "all your heart" or "all your brain"?

    Actually Atom, you were the only one giggling like a school girl on the trip. No religion and no fear!

  7. The very fact that this is being discussed shows that we are exploring the possible answers to the question.. Unlike yourself who sees religion as the only possible answer. Even without any facts to substantiate it. :D

    I too like to 'debate' religion and time and time again, I just come to the conclusion that religion is the work of a subdued brainwashed mind.

    This poll is interesting. 10 say NO and 5 say not sure ( people obviously with open minds looking for the definitive answer )

    But 4 said Yes ;) I suppose if you believe the bible, then you are compelled to believe in ghosts.

    Atom, I thought you were a beliver? On the way up to Lampkin Falls I believe I heard you call on him(OH God!). And I know you had "faith" you would make it.

    Could religion lead to an enlightened mind?

    At one time conventional wisdom said the earth was flat. Now its round.

    Every time you think you know everything, everything changes.

    Tell me you never prayed for something to work out, just this one time.

  8. I say it is interesting because it seems that the (pardon the term) good old boys who ran AHRMA into bankruptcy are at it again.


    I am in no way defending the "good ol boys". However, The good ol boys didn't bankrupt ahrma. That was done by a roadracing team with money, that vowed to break ahrma. (probably because of aforementioned "good ol boys")And even though ahrma was vindicated in court it left them with no alternative but bankruptcy.

    There seem to be a lot of organizations run by dinasours, in need of house cleaning, federal govt included. And no the election has not ended the grazing.

  9. We have great hopes that this will lead to a new, fun style of national competition for all competitors that attend and I would encourage you, Paul, and anyone else to come to the Sooner Cup next spring to experience our vision for the national series.

    So, you see, as a club we broke ranks to try to do something new and better

  10. Sounds suspiciously British. I believe the names have been changed to protect the immeadiate family members from further exposure. :unsure:

    No white missippi grandma would use the word "bigoted". Duh!

    And missippi is a hanging state!

  11. I felt sorry for some of the checkers on day 3 as you could tell they were ready for the weekend to be over.

    I worked the first world round (Hauling beer and soda around) the ttc national (Scoring an awesome section!) and the last world round hauling people back and forth to Lampkin Falls, Andy, Atom and Atoms wife on one occaision. On sunday I hiked up to the falls 5 times for the cause. I even returned a dazed and confuzed cope to his trusty steed.

    I got to sit in on the FIM checklist check. There are an enormous amount of hoops to jump through to put on on of those.

    It's a shame they didn't have a national again at the same time. I think it would have helped their attendance. I'm sure it would have been a lot of trouble, but.....

    I think in the name of reducing the cost(?) to attend, the trials community is making it increasingly difficult to put on an event. One event becomes two, two becomes three. If the event is on a weekend something else is happening or does happen, suddenly you are no longer in the race. Local and national. Our local has throw aways and it is still hard for me to make enough events. every weekend is a double. To much time between events to stay sharp( unless you practice, yeah right).

    If you are going to have a one week long event, you could call it the "Trials Olympics" yeah thats the ticket!

  12. Motofire,

    The line four is usually very basic. Generally not just a ride through, but with obstacles. Like rocks strewn all over and the occasional log(large stick). I have a little video of line 3 a few years ago. I have not been able to transfer it to digital. Watching my son ride line 3 on a sherco 50 makes it look too easy. But in reality there is a lot of compettion and pressure, from competitors, parents and themselves.

    The week of training is pretty basic, but unbelivably effective. It is for all ages youth and adult. My son and I have an awesome time every year. If you have to pick one thing to do next year pick the family camp/youth nationals.

    Knowing what I do now about the camp, I would drag my son kicking and screaming to the camp even if he couldn't ride at all. By the end of the week he would be riding the wheels off of his bike. There is so much more than motorcycle trials, kids playing together, riding bicycle trials swimming....it really is a good time.

  13. If the NATC can't get clubs to volunteer, then perhaps they need to examine their requirments and see why that is. If the NATC makes it too difficult, nobody's gonna want to do it.

    Maybe a change of format, Reduced time, inspect sections prior to start,lower classes early, pro's later. Support sat, pro sunday. Then if you broke body or bike, you would have time to recover. Make it more spectator friendly.

    Bottom line, if clubs won't do it, they better find out why. And change it.

  14. Too Late!

    to late for what?

    We were just having some luck at "population control". When the stupid president stepped in and started attaching names to the population control teams.

    Electric is no better unless you use a wind charger (green wise). But they are quieter. I don't think they'll be "all that" until they put a clutch on them. And a speaker, then we can program our favorite two stroke bike sound into it.

  15. What kind of lame girly "Everyones a Winner!" crap is this? Quit doing such a big dog and pony show. Just let a couple of rounds in each region count towards a championship. Best 14 out of 20. Why do you need the NATC to be validated. Why don't you just call Nascar they'll get Joan Claybrook to design you a bike that everyone can ride to even it up!

    How can you call two three day weekends a championship? The national spelling bee is tougher than that. Part of any championship is figuring out how you'll get from a to b. And how you will pay for it. I'm for 52 events and best 70% count. July in Sequatchie was wonderful this year, down in the 50's F in the mornings, Sweet!

    Maybe we should do it like T-Ball, No Scores!!

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