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Posts posted by Hooser1956
  1. Sorry I just drove up state to Corvallis Or, home of the OREGON Beaver Football Team.  My eldest grandson plays “ American Football”. I had to rewrite that after recalling most here are hard core Foot Ball “ Soccer”   Fans.  He also plays Soccer.  He’s a first year high school 9 th grade here.  

    he’s terrible at football, but I love his enthusiasm for the sport, his team mates and the other team players, always giving em a hand up, praising them when they score on him.

    I’ve gifted all the grand children motorcycles, next season each will get their own trials bike, so I can play trials with the kids.  Right now I’ve given them little CRF 50 and 70 Honda’s, and a couple XL 100s.


    my youngest grandsons a terror on his fifty, refuses to shut the throttle off, already likes sliding in 4th, kids fearless jumps higher and further then the other kids.  Seems he’s a natural, bless with exceptional balance.  I’m looking for a Ty 80 for him.  In ahrma the kids can ride trials,  Wesley Poole’s already got little Eddie on a TY 80,  I’m guessing he’s 7/8 years old.  Fun to watch, I want to enter my guys and girls when they want to try.  

    until then we just trail ride, I’ve got a newer 2022 Beta 300 cross trainer, I kinda enjoy riding.  I recently put a Reklus clutch in it.  Which is rather different for,a guy who lives and dies by the clutch, front brake.  lol get it figured out soon.  

    have a great day








  2. Dammit, I did it again.  Yes.  I don’t know why I keep saying Mick Andrews.  You’re correct it’s the Sammy Miller Tall boy.  Was built ground up,  everything was rebuilt, and I paired 1700.00 for it.  Same gentleman I purchased the TLR 200 from in Reno Nevada.  A true gentlemen

  3. Feet up fun, thank you for the response.  I did not know the Michelins were tubeless,  seems to me that’s going to present a problem, this Michelin set of tires is for a TY 175.  

    don’t know if I mentioned that my two TLs a 125 and a 150 both have Dunlops the 150 is a Mick Andrews School Boy framed Tall Boy? Frame swing arm and triple clamp on it. Haven’t ridden it yet it’s at Pete Fisher “ Power Roll” ex owners house his son Scotty’s doing the 150 upper install. 

    shhesh I did it again,  my mind wonders while I’m writing stuff.  Think it’s from being a retired cop.  I’m so used to writing everything in a descriptive manner like a dam criminal report. 

    feetupfun if I may where are you located at?  I’m in USA Oregon.  Finding it fun to meet folks from other lands.



  4. Afternoon, I’m new to trials, not to vintage racing or trail ridding.  I’m in the middle of replacing all four of my trials bike tires.  I’m not “ stuck” on any one brand name.  So I just ordered a set of really soft Michelins for my Ty175.  Was riding a new Beta trials around the lot and couldn’t help but notice at just how sticky the tires were on the Beta trials bike.  So I ordered a set. Michelins 

    I’ve got new but older Dunlops, been on my shelf for a couple of years.  Those are on a stock TL 125,  seem fine but not as sticky as the new Michelin trials tires.

    im in need of new trials tires for a new to me, Honda TLR200.   Keeping my options open, any suggestions on tires, but would like examples of why you would recommend a specific tire.  I’ll be starting on the 2 line,  “. Lol, and I may end my short lived Trials career on the 2 line. Truthfully I would like to advance my trials skills, winning isn’t important anymore, it’s the fellowship, the friendships which are import to me.  

    sorry,  back to trials tires.  thank you all in advance.



  5. Awesome 120!  My uncle just purchased and gifted me with a 1968 Kawasaki 120!.  My first motorcycle was a 120 Kawasaki.  ThisKawasakis very complete with massive compression, but normal rust.  I’m cleaner her up got the title and will make her street legal to ride to the corner store, stuff like that.  

    Your 120s bitchen congratulations.  Love to see her when your done.



  6. Afternoon all, new to Trials,  old dog ahrma guy like 28/30 years.  Retired police man and deputy sheriff OREGON and Calif.  I’ve been working trials for ooo 20 years.  I help my friends set courses in the PNW, flag sections when available.  I’m a VMX racer at heart, my backs trashed,  two hips replaced, spines rebuilt, theirs more, trying not to depress myself.  

    anyways the good stuff.  I own a few Trials bikes, all twin shock.  

    1976 TL125 Honda “ stock”

    1976 TL 150 Honda in a Mic Andrews “ Tall Boy Frame swing arm and triple clamp. 

    1975/6 TY 175 Yamaha I’m rebuilding.  

    1986? Honda 200 TLR,  with much cool guy kit on it already. Purchased last week in Reno Nv.

    got my eye on another TL 125 and a 250 Honda

    19? Yamaha 350 mono.

    my close friend Pete Fisher of Power Roll fames, guiding me thru the Honda builds, the Yamaha pretty much what I read.  

    anyways always enjoyed visiting with the Trials family at our Ahrma events,  I’ve promoted a few over the years, am currently working with the town Of Lakeview OREGON to promote a triple event weekend.  We did the event two years ago,  CC thru old growth forests,  crossed 16 creeks, or the same creek 16 times.  Some high desert, the Trials was right up the center of a running creek.  Elevations 5900 ft.

    im told the lads enjoyed the weekend,  it rained Sunday hard, so I had to call the VMX,  I just didn’t want my old fart friends getting hurt. 

    I’ve been reading here seeking advice on common sense upgrades to these bikes.  Lots of knowledge here, I appreciate all of yours, contributions.  A lot to be learned.


    my real name is Dirk Williams.  And I’m in Klamath Falls OREGON 

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