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Hi, From Pershore.


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Just saying hello,

We have just got our selves a Gas Gas JTX270. We are looking for some more practice places locally, been recommended a couple of places in the Cotswolds but were wondering if there was anywhere closer.

Also looking for any contact info for any local clubs?

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Welcome to TC and to trials. Places to practice are few and far between in this area, one small venue we use has recently had it's tree's felled, I was there on Sunday and it is almost impossible to ride around due to the off cuts on the ground.

Luckily there are a number of clubs locally who offer events with three routes, the easiest C route is suitable for a complete begginer. Look out for events organised by the Evesham, Stourbridge, Dudley and Stratford clubs from the Midland Centre and the Cheltenham Home Guard Club in the Western Centre.

Let us know how you get on.


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Yes, I have a sneaky feeling that we're close to the end for this one.

The estate will want/have to replace the mature trees and won't put up with motorbikes ripping around the new ones..... we've had a good run, I can remember riding there in 1979! :D

Here's one from last year.

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