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Bradford Club Wbs Series 2012


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Wrigglesworth Building Services Series 2012

Round 1, Manor House Farm, Glusburn. 2/5/12

The WBS is the perfect series for an old beginner like me, and any other beginner for that matter young or old. And just like the last two years, we had plenty of ‘em! The only difference this year being the introduction of an E class.

WBS could also stand for Wriggy Brings Summer! Well almost, at least it was fine for the day in what is fast becoming the wettest drought on record! It’s a winning formula. A steady route for the beginner and a little harder route for the more experienced rider who wants a good ride out on a Wednesday evening with his/her mates. Former club president Kath Eddings has also introduced a special award for the ladies this year. Sadly, rumours of Dave Pickles and his Deepcliff posse entering as the Spice Girls were un-founded.

I was really looking forward to the series as it would provide me with a bit of a bench-mark as to how much, if at all, I had progressed. Thoughts of entering the harder route this year seemed like a possibility, but I decided to go for the easier for round 1 and see how I went. My thoughts being if I can really turn in a decent score then I would move up.

So having done a quick recce’ to see if Nathan Wrigglesworth (Wriggy) had finished marking out, I waved the pack up to section 1.

Phil Scott was in the observers chair on section 1, quite literally, just recognisable beneath his beanie!

A steady enough section to start with even by my standards, so I watched a few through and then fired up my bike and took my place at the begins card.

Feeling quite chilled, but looking forward to the off.

“White flag right, yellow left. White right, yellow left.” I said to myself under my breath, Phil gave me the wave and away I went.

Through the first set of flags, down into a bomb-hole to the next flags, white right. Up the side and across the bit of a camber, white right. Dropping back down towards a muddy ditch and WHITE LEFT!!!! DOH!!!!

I shook my head and groaned in disgust as I exited the ends cards.


A five on the first was not the plan, just through not concentrating enough I guess.

Section two was a little more interesting, as I saw someone go through and did my trick through the ends card for a five.

I felt for him, and learnt from it.


Onto three, and I was checking out the section ably manned by Brian Ayrton, another bomb-hole, plenty of camber, loose rocks and a bit of mud for good measure. I caught up with Rachel Stelling on her shiny Sherco, smiling as ever on the same route. We compared notes and I said that as she was riding like a professional, I would follow her….!


Sections four and five were a double sub, watched over by Richard (the power) Taylor, a yet bigger bomb-hole with mud and rocks, and a nice climb out with a kick at the end.

I stood with Dale Harrison who unlike Saturday last at the Autowbars final round when he was on his newly acquired Montesa 4rt (itch scratched, thanks Dale) was astride his Ariel! A proper four stroke!

Dale it would appear was stuck between a Mont’ and a hard place. The Mont’ being very on-off, and the Ariel more progessive. A pleasure to watch and listen to.

Dale on the harder route, dabbed for a one.

Me, clean.

Six was a twisty line through some rocks.


Seven, saw Wriggy with the pen and board.

An interesting drop, turn and up a rock step to the ends.


And finally eight.

A climb around and through a rocky outcrop.


A clean lap scarred by a moment of madness: White right, yellow left!!!!!

That was the way of it, a clean sheet for the remaining three laps.

Unlike Rachel, four laps clean, and Vicky, four laps clean.

Come on Fran’ and Megan. It’s early days, you can soon pull it back.

So that was round one of the WBS, it’s what Wednesday evenings are about in the summer. Every venue different. Catering was supplied by the Midgleys so you didn’t have to worry about missing out on tea.

So now I’ve got a decision to make:

Flags white and yellow? Or Red and blue?

Bring it on. Top job as usual Wriggy.

Keep ya feet up


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