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Why Can't Americans Succeed?


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People always rag on Lane but can anyone explain to me why no Americans can even remotely compete on the World Championship level? We have 280 million people, vast wealth, huge landmass, and at least some intelligent people. Nonetheless, our best rider chooses not to compete on this level for whatever reason. Our young people don't aspire to become World Champions.

I can find no reason that we should not dominate on the world stage like we do in MX.

Maybe instead of demeaning Lane we should examine some of his thoughts as to why this is! He may be like chewing on tinfoil for some of you but he may have a point or two worth examining.

I hope it isn't the NASCAR mentality where folks who drive antiquated cars and only turn left get huge crowds and support but the finest auto racing in the world, F1, gets nothing.

I'm proud to be an American and want us to kick butt at the highest level.

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As an ex pat (from Scotland) living in Canada & the USA for over twenty years I have my thoughts on this topic.

But my thoughts would be very contrversial and not taken to lightly :thumbup:

Maybe one day if you can get me drunk I will spill the beans :beer::beer::)

Until then :thumbup::thumbup:

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As an American trials fan, when I root for a American trials rider, I root for those riders who try to earn world championship points.

Riders like Chris Florin, Cody Webb and Stevie Darrow.

Edited by City Trials
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As an American trials fan, when I root for a American trials rider, I root for those riders who try to earn world championship points.

Riders like Chris Florin, Cody Webb and Steve Darrow.


If were going to stirr the pot, let's do it correctly.

No mention of young Patrick in your supported list, why ?

I saw first hand how you supported Steve Darrow at Duluth, the public verbal lashing you gave him, was nothing less than disgraceful.

Edited by ishy
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Ishy, you make some good points but if you would be so kind, please explain how aspiring to produce champions would ruin it for everybody. You may very well be correct in your assumption but I don't understand.

Why do our high school champs not ride 125's like they do in Europe at the junior championships? I, by no means am advocating scrapping the current U.S. system. Is it not possible to have a concurrent system in place that conforms to the world standard while still maintaining the present system?

As far as the money thing goes you have a point but aren't there any wealthy families with kids who want to win the World Championship just for the love of their sport and country? Aren't there plenty of regular Americans who would support a talented kid in the quest for the ultimate prize? We Americans got our butts handed to us in MX in the '60s and early '70s by the much more experienced Europeans, but we learned and grew to the point we are now at. I believe that we Americans are very self centered and won't even notice a sport until an American begins to dominate. I also believe that trials has every bit as much fan appeal as MX (much more IMO)and therefore has the potential to generate interest and more importantly, money. If we were to produce an American World Champion I think someone would find a profitable way to market trials to us. Maybe that's the problem, many may not want to have trials grow to where it competes with MX or even FMX for fear that the familial atmosphere now would be forever destroyed. I understand that sentiment but I think it's selfish.

These are just my rambling thoughts and would very much like to hear how others think.


Ken Umpierre

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Well, I do have one BIG advantage here, I lived through the process of how we put Americans on the podium in the 70's for world trials. Then saw first hand how the US national federation by design dismantled all the hard work of people like Fred Belair, Senior Bulto, US Honda, US Yamaha, Bultaco, OSSA and Montesa.

Of course we can rebuild that winning atmosphere again with the support of the AMA/ NATC and the American trials public! Here's how, A proper steping stone plan was presented at the last NATC meeting that would have kept ALL the current sportsmen classes AND provided the stepping stones needed to move some kids to Europe. But it was REJECTED by the national federation!

It simply stated, We must put our best younsters on 125cc machines right away, then give them a good reason to keep them on them until they reach the age the European kids move up to 250cc machines.

The kids also need pressure! I believe the plan presented to the NATC/AMA would have created that pressure, which is why the kids of the 70s became so good. They pushed each other, rode under extreme pressure and then in the end, beat the world.

I also believe as a businessman, that investing in American kids without the support and cooperation of the AMA/NATC is fruitless and a very bad investment. Today I also beleive that even Wiltz Wagner may realize that the grand NATC experiment of sportsmen only at the US Championship has failed.

Yes we have created the best senior riders on the planet with the NATC/AMA experiment but what good has that done? Without a senior TDN we cannot prove that point.

The intellegent approach for the future would be putting our Men's and women's TDN teams in the world champoinship hunt again against Spain, Japan and Britan. Then promoting a Senior TDN challenging the rest of the world. Proving that the NATC sportsmen program is the best in the world.

To fail to put American youngsters back in the hunt for TDN Gold and World Championship points would look dumb to the rest of the world however. A balanced approach of supporting the sportsmen national riders like we do now and also the young tigers makes better sense today.

The NATC/AMA by supporting BOTH the sportsmen and the young tigers would create a renewed and energized atmosphere in American Trials. Which would spark outside the community interest, even if it's only from the MX, Enduro and road bike crouds.

Now we live in an invisible sport! I simply propose an avenue to bring our sport back out into the daylight.

Edited by Mich Lin
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Mr. Isherwood, thank you for your response. The only problem with the fan appeal of trials in America is that so few people even know it exists. All the people I know who saw any of the Duluth World Rounds are absolutely intoxicated by the sport. But little to no national exposure means the sport stays small. I think if an American were to win the World Championship in todays sponsor rich environment we would see a marked increase in interest and support.

As far as picking a rider and giving them all my spare cash, I'm doing that. Her name is Josephine Umpierre and she's my 7 year old daughter! I would like it however if our national trials organization could at least give her the format and the direction she needs to make it to the top.


Ken Umpierre

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Lane, thanks for all the work you and Bernie and countless others did in the '70s to bring Americans to the top of the podium. We need that kind of commitment again but this time when we get to the top the money will surely follow just because there is so much more of it now. They televise everything these days, from FMX, to poker for Gods sake! The potential for this sport to take off in the U.S. is there, it just needs to be tapped.

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I know that some of this has been discussed before, but; at the NATC meeting it was originally agreed to have the Pro class ride the WTC lines- that was changed much to Chris' dissappointment. He sincerely wants to try fo legitimate WTC points, but to do that he has to give up his attempt for the NATC championship which he feels is within his grasp. So does this years change mean a permanent change when there is a WTC round in North America? One would hope not!!! There are some riders who wanted to ride WTC, but cannot because of the schedule. There is a lack of commitment from the supporters of trials in the US to send our most promising riders to Europe to train and compete, in Chris' career he was "promised" some time over there to train with the factory team but it never came about.

There must be found a way to send the tpo prospects over there with all the rescources in the US!!

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Trialsurfer, I appreciate that Chris wishes to compete at the highest level. I wish I were in a position to help him but, alas, I'm not. There has to be some folks who have the same wishes as Chris and have the wherewithal to make it happen. Our trials organizations should embrace someone like him.


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