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  1. Hi everyone, Does any one have the fork oil measurements for a 2004 beta rev 3 250. just got home from a trials today and busted my fork seal. I've got all the stuff here to fix it just not the oil amount. Thanks in advance.
  2. yeah thats the obstacals that i get stuck at... the perfectly vertical ones. if it is slightly angled i can double blip over them no problems but i just cant seem to do the blocks. i think i am over thinking the clutch pop and end up smacking into the block rather than gettin over it.
  3. hi I don't have a picture of the object but I got something similar on google. thanks for your help https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=trials+wall&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwitseT3g6LKAhXJPj4KHb-qDQYQ_AUIBygB&biw=1093&bih=521#tbm=isch&q=railway+concrete+block&imgrc=a_Xc2eyvKYtzCM%3A
  4. Hi everyone I'm fairly new to trials biking. I've done motocross most of my life so far. I am having difficulty approaching highish obstacles from a stand still. Every time i try slipping the clutch and popping it i either smash into the obstacle or just don't it right. Have you guys got any tips on how to tackle this problem Thanks
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