Hello guys, I am new to this site but not new to trials, I have owned bikes since I was 6 years old, I am now 40 going on 41 this March. Altough I have been out of trials for a few years due to road racing I have recently bought a 2003 Sherco 2.9. I believe I paid a good low price for it as it had a few rattles especially from the top end. On getting it home I instantly had it in bits. New piston, rings, little end bearing, water pump bearings and all the seals later and it's running sweet. The bike has been running brilliantly for 2 months or more now until today. Started up as normal on third kick, full choke no throttle. Had been riding the bike for 20 mins or so when I tried an ambitious hill climb. As I was breaking over the top I lost rear traction and bailed off to the right of the bike. The bike came over backwards. The wheels where up the hill and the tank down. Unfortunately the throttle stuck in the ground at approx 3/4 throttle. I clambered back up the hill to the bike to hit the kill switch, the bike did stop but I'm not so sure the kill switch was the cause or something else gave way first. The bike will not start now. I have a nice spark and fuel is flowing. When kicking it over I occassionally get a backfire with blue flames from the exhaust. Compression seems fine. I have a friends 2006 2.9 in my garage and there doesnt seem to be any difference in resistance when kicking over. I have no problems with stripping the thing down, however it may be that one of you fine gentlemen may know an easier solution. Timing or drift key etc. I would be very grateful of any input. Kind Regards Jason