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Posts posted by jonnybmac
  1. not sure what you want in terms of pictures but ive took a few and a few rough measurements.. can take more accurate ones if eneded but it seems the two supports either side on the front brake are 800mm apart and the full hub size at the rear is around 1300mm give or take. would be great to swap the band brake with a hydrolic as its pretty hard to pull any sort of lock with his hands being so weak. he can manage tor each the levers now but obviously due to the long stretch he doesnt have the ability to engage it with it being so stuff from cable.


  2. Can anyone tell me if these will work on an oset 12.5? or does anyone have any tips on how to make it easyer for little hands that are not strong enough to pull the levers?


    or someone else sugested magura hydrolic rim brakes. jhas anyone had any luck with these and will they fit?


  3. you can get another tank thast clips onto the front though such as this:


    trials bikes do well on trails that require alot to get through.. me and my friends often go down the woods and go on treks just picking a path and seeing where it goes.. the proper trail bikes are designed for single paths with a few obsticles, from what the op described he is after something abit lighter that he can move around more if he gets stuck... trials bikes are good because you can lift them over/under tree's ect that are in the way to continue on.

  4. He uses his feet for braking thats why when going down hills he removes them from the pegs. Its alsoy problem too, his hands have to do spiderman to reach the brakes which knocks his ability to hold the bars correct then once reached hes not strong enough to pull them hence why all the hills i allow him to go down have long run offs and no suprises at the bottom.

    He has a strider and uses his foot brake on that, but i do need to look into hydrolic brakes. Ive been told about magura rim brakes but yet to seek more knowledge to if they will fit or not

  5. Thought this might intrest a few people who's kids have balance bikes.

    The Strider Cup™ and Strider World Cup™ Events are play experiences, designed to let toddlers and young kids aged 18 months to 5 years old develop balance, co-ordination and confidence through group play and friendly competition on Striders.

    Whether its test riding a Strider Balance Bike for the first time or racing Strider Balance Bike on a dirt track with other toddlers, Strider Cup events have something for every family interested in giving their child a head start, exploring the world on two wheels – without stabilisers!

    The aim of the Strider Cup™ series of events is encourage younger children to become more active and learn ride a two wheeled bike at a much earlier age than usual.

    These events are open to all children aged between 18 months and 5 years old. Children can join in a Strider cup event even if you have never sat on a bike before!

    You don’t have to own a balance bike to participate, we provide Strider PreBikes along with helmets, or if you have another balance bike these are welcome too.

    All riders will be eligible to participate in the annual Strider World Cup in the USA on the 14 October 2012.

    One rider, the UK Strider Cup Champion, will win a free flight and accommodation to race in the Strider World Cup in Sarasota, Florida! They will meet and compete against other Strider riders from around the globe, Japan, Australia, Canada and Europe! This is a fantastic experience for a child of any age!

    We believe that the Strider PreBikes are the best balance bikes on the market… they are meticulously designed to teach a child balance and coordination.

    From its lightweight design to its center of gravity and low seat height, the Strider™ is a bike your child can easily control. And most importantly, the Strider™ is a bike that will develop admirable confidence and a lifelong love for riding.


    heres the one I'll be entering at manchester


  6. keep your weight back and use alot of front.. dont jab it but if you keep your weight back you shouldnt go over the handlebars.

    uphill, work your suspension so your constant gettign traction. try to get a run up and if you feel the rear tire spinning then slip your clutch a little and give it more power. dont just keep your throttle wide open and expect to get up

  7. I just have mine turned rought down to below walking speed when en route to the park then turn it up once there. I'm sure, unless you get a harsh policeman that if you respect other people you should be fine. its not loud enough to attract peoples attention. the only problem I had was last week when the bike drew the attention of two 13 year olds on a pw 50 screaming round the streets with no helmet on then hanging round near my child at the park. I was abit concerned they would draw unwanted attention and people thinking they were with me so took the bike home.

  8. Big thanks to YMSA Trials ...

    Great little Trial 32 sections for the E class good venue and well organised...

    Good half hour lunch break worked well for the kids ... great butty van and just everyone was really friendly and helpful ...

    Looking forward to the next one :)

    Need a spare set of batteries for the little Oset managed 28 sections before it ran out of steam ...I'll get a spare set and swap them at lunch :)

    I managed one lap of the last section before my son gave up and had enough. I was trying to preserve the battery by pushing him up hills on the return and switchign the power off when waiting about which helped a little bit. was a great day and I really enjoyed it and so did the lad! was a great turn out and all staff were exceptionally friendly and I too will be visiting again, just going to get some serious practice in with flags ect before the next one :D

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