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Posts posted by somerled
  1. We at RUTS are really looking forward to the Fort William round as last year was a blast. It was certainly one of the best events that I have ever attended, it's got everything, well apart from the Foo Fighters!

    Very kindly L+M Events are again supporting RUTS with space in the trade area where we will be offering a few fun challenges for youngsters and adults alike, so please come and say hello and find out about what we do. See how long YOU can balance on a beautifully restored Yamaha TY175 'Sammy Miller' from 1986

    Were camping at Glen Nevis campsite in the 'Spruce' field on Friday and Saturday, feel free to swing by for a dram and the craic, you wont miss us!

    RUTS is a Scottish youth work charity which uses motorcycles and trials as the 'hook' to get young folk involved.

    Click to go to the RUTS website

  2. Funnily enough I was just wondering the other day if RUTS was still on the go as I haven't heard of it for at least twenty years - are the same folk still involved?

    I sympathise with your problems but have to say it was a risky strategy to bulk buy an unknown brand with no track record.

    RUTS is going really well and working with over 1000 young people a year, see www.ruts.org.uk for the full scoop. Only the legendary Stod is still here from the old days. With regards to buying the Xispas, they represented the best value for the funding we had. We had to buy new, a condition determined by the funders, so two new Xispas appeared to be better than one new Sherco or Beta. I would have prefered 5 or 6 second hand machines, but daft rules rule eh!


  3. I don't think it would be just Xispa's that would give you trouble. A Charity local to me went to Scorpa 125 4T's as the two strokes they used were high on maintenance and that was another make. Given the work cycle I'm not sure many Trials bikes these days would survive. The demand is for a competition bike that has to be light, powerful and can be easily thrown around. Most owners spend a weekend running them and spend the week "fettling" them back into shape. You need a bike that can stand being ridden for 7 hours a day for at least two days a week with riders of varying abilities and mechanical sympathy.

    Fair comment, especially the 'mechanical sympathy' bit however we have a few TY's we bought 25 years ago and they are still doing a job for us. We also have 2 Scorpa 125's which perform perfectly and the two TTR's we use never miss a beat. So when you compare our older bikes to the brand new Xispa's it is obvious that the Xispa's have issues.

    Don't get me wrong, I really like the Xispa 125 as it is a tough wee bike which is well suited to what we do.

  4. What an amazing weekend we had. Thanks to the generosity of the organisers, staff and participants from RUTS were treated to some awe inspiring trials action.

    Brilliant venue, top class sections, superb weather and a great vibe made the whole weekend something to remember and plan for next year.

    What a great showcase for the sport, well done to all concerned. :mellow:

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