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Posts posted by bforcell
  1. Thanks for the responses. This is my first real injury ever, and I'm maybe over reacting a little. Your long term perspectives are helpful. Also the advice about the Montesa is helpful. It is so easy to think the grass is greener elsewhere. And I really do like the Mont. It's a very familiar and docile beast. But it is the only bike I've ever had, so I have nothing to compare it to.

    Copemech, I haven't chosen a brace yet. DonJoy has a hinged one that down hill skiers use a lot (I also ski, so I'm leaning toward that one. Is that a brand you are familiar with?


  2. I ride a Montesa 315 in the novice class. I've been riding a few years now but started a little late in life--40. I'm happy in the Novice class, as I can just go and have fun while rideing at my skill level. Also, I love my 315 Montesa because it is reliable and very stable. Recently, however, I injured the ACL in my right knee. The doctor says trials is no problem, just wear a knee brace. But, my confidence is an issue, as the thought of re-injuring the knee will be in the back of my mind. So . . . I am wondering if a smaller(125-200cc), a somewhat underpowered bike would be lighter and more confidance inspiring.

    I read a review in T&MX News that made me think a new Beta EVO 125 might be good for someone my age and at my skill level. They didn't seem to care for the 200, which seems like a more logical fit for my size, 195 lb. Any thoughts about these bikes? Does anyone have experience with the Beta 200 or as an adult riding the 125? Should I just stick with the Montesa and give it a go?

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