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Posts posted by junglist
  1. or if your garage or shed or where ever you keep your bike doesnt have electric, just set up the alarm in the house and run wires to the garage or shed and wire them to door contacts, so then if anyone cuts the wire to it the alarm will sound or if they break in, seen a few done like that and are pretty effective, you can run the cable in some plastic conduit or similar

    I know its common sense but try and keep it out of sight, the less people see the better


  2. Hiya

    My Gas Gas goes in my combo no bother, i put it in corner to corner with the bars turned slightly, the handle bars are very close to the ridges in the roof when loading it in, and the rear mudguard is close to where the rear speakers would go but once in and strapped down it cleared everything and didn't move, I haven't tried putting the bike in backwards yet but i may try that to see if its better,

    all in all i was supprised(and pleased) it went in

    I hope that helps, if i can get a photo next time im out i'll post it up


  3. Hi

    Ive been lurking on the forums for a while now, as I've always been interested in trials from a very young age, just never ever done it, at the end of last year I had a go on my mates' Beta Rev 3 and a Gas Gas 250 at Warden Law It wasnt bad for my first attempt but ive riden alsorts of road bikes bike and small and done a lot of mountain biking, and after that Im now the proud owner of a 2006 Gas Gas TXT 250 Pro, I seen it advertised on this site locally so went and bought it last weekend, with me being new to trials im just going to practice at Warden Law to get used to the bike and see what it does etc.. then im going to go along to some trials to spectate to see what goes on and how to get involved eventually :-)


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