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highland lassie

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Posts posted by highland lassie
  1. I don't think the clubs heavy handed about this but I do know of riders that have tried swapping and got caught. 


    It's not that the club isn't heavy-handed.  It's more that the club has to use every volunteer it has to man the section and time controls, and lay the routes for the next day.  If anyone fancies volunteering their services for the week to let more random checks get done, I'm pretty certain it would be very much appreciated.  :)

  2. Not sure how things work now having been out of the game for four years, but the observers distinguish between an 'asked' five and a genuine five when they record their scores.  That's logged when the results are keyed, so the committee have full visibility of who is asking for ridiculous numbers of fives rather than riding sections.  There will always be those with genuine reasons, such as a burst bike, burst knee or burst in general :) but there are also always those that take the proverbial and just go round asking for fives to be a tourist and get their award.


    There's nothing that can be done during the course of the trial to eliminate that situation, but the committee always reserve the right to refuse entry to the ballot in future, which gives them the ability to remove such tourists from the SSDT in future.  The results system (or at least the one we ran in my day!) produces a report of riders that ask for over a given number of fives during the course of the week, so whilst a tourist might be there one year, they won't get the chance to take the place of another rider again in future trials.

    • Like 4
  3. How can the results that are scrolling on the SSDT web site give a score of 24 marks lost when only 5 sections have been entered so far?


    Two options here - firstly as has been mentioned, any starting penalties in the morning are added on as soon as the garage book comes into the office from the starting crew.  That's normally about an hour after the last man is away, maybe half-one in the afternoon.  They're in Section 32 of the results.


    Secondly, their time penalties are added on as soon as their route cards is back in the office.  If the first riders are back around two, their route cards start filtering up to the office within half an hour or so.  They get checked and keyed straight pretty much straight away as there are a constant stream coming through, so time penalties for riders can be added on within an hour or so of them getting back to the Parc Ferme.  They're in Section 31 of the results.

    • Like 1
  4. Seems harsh to lose a valuable chunk of time for something totally outwith your own control.  If that is the case then maybes the club will look into it and factor in an allowance.


    They already do.....ideally they'd put officials on every swing bridge on the route so that it could be given proper delay rather than having to factor in a what-if figure, but there are so few volunteers these days it's a struggle to man the sections and the garage, never mind the other niceties.


    If any of you fancy standing out at a swing bridge in the middle of nowhere for nine hours on the off-chance that it might be opened when there are riders approaching, please just let the club know - I know they'd be delighted to have you on board!  :)

    • Like 4
  5. There's a distinct lack of SSDT chat this year.....has everyone lost interest, or are you all too busy sorting your protein intakes to chat/gurn about it these days?! I miss the old banter! :)

  6. Thank you for your kind words Ms G. :blush: Somewhat more work than I first anticipated, but the end result is worth it, I think. Only problem is, it's making TC look a bit crap so guess what's next.... :wacko:

    Oh, and already had offers of more historical content for the new site :thumbup:

    If you've not already had a looky, head on over to www.ssdt.org and check out Uncle Eric's photos at very least. They are fantastic.

    Course I went through them - that's my favourite bit!!!

    Completely forgot to get these old programmes to you, didn't I......if you don't get them by Tuesday, remind me!!! Head is mince n tatties at the mo. :)

  7. Sorry Deryk - only just spotted this! They were twin brothers....not medically identical, but next to impossible to distinguish between them unless you knew them very, very well....!

    You're right - they generally took the bikes down. They'd head down the main road to Beauly, then cut over the top to Drumnadrochit before heading on down to the Fort....a cracking run even today. Not the week-long trek that you had mind you!

    In terms of family stories.....man, I could recite them for days, although a fair percentage probably wouldn't be appropriate for public consumption. :)

    • Like 1
  8. That's my Dad and Uncle Bill!! Lovely to hear them mentioned on here after such a long time. And lovely to see Uncle Willie in your pic too! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Some Scots had problems, the Grant brothers (twins?) ran the only shop in Rogart, way north of Fort William in Sutherland, so only one could be away at a time, you saw them at the event on alternate days, with a dash back home each evening over roads that are nowhere near today's standards. Very fortunately they didn't have one of the many ferry crossings to cope with on the way - or that would usually have limited them to daylight travel only.

    • Like 2
  9. It was actually impatient devil (prefixed with self-confessed, as he'd called himself the same in his own post) but I was typing it on my phone in my rush to defend the hard-working P65 crew and it auto-corrected. Absolutely no insult intended, not the way I work, although I am regularly tempted. :)

    And my apologies if your comments weren't meant, but having seen the same digs many times before at the same dedicated crew of volunteers, hopefully you'll understand if some of us take it personally.

  10. Thats you done now in the ballot next year Cub, they dinna like folk that critisise....

    Totally unfair comment Metisse - you'll be lucky if you find one member of the P65 committee that even looks at TC, and even if they did, they're decent folk that work all year to give you guys your trial.

    Believe me, they've got far more important things to worry about than weeding out anybody that throws a slack comment their way. Hell, if they did that, they wouldn't be able to fill the trial - everyone's keen to throw stones, but not so many willing to give up their time and money to help out. A wee bit of respect for those who do wouldn't go amiss.

    Besides, Cub did nothing wrong - his comments were fair based on the information he had. I responded purely to explain hat the committee had done everything they normally do....no mean feat with the connectivity problems in Kinlochleven, let me tell you! :)

    • Like 5
  11. Mairi here, ex-SSDT Secretary! Every year the p65 team get results to me in the SSDT office right after the presentation and I post them to the SSDT site for you all straight away.

    This year they did exactly the same - the problem was that I no longer have access to the site to update it so you couldn't get your results as fast as normal. I sent them straight to the SSDT team to post instead but as they were out in the Parc Ferme running (and clearing up after) their Welcome Ceilidh they couldn't put them online until the wee small hours this morning.

    I'm sorry I couldn't do more, but rest assured the P65 Team DID use the existing facilities in an attempt to appease self-confessed impatient fools. It wasn't their fault - they did everything they normally do, it was the fact that I no longer look after the website that caused the delay.

    The SSDT team is all new this year and they will be finding their feet in terms of all the wee jobs that happened automatically in the past. Cut then a wee bit of slack if you can! ?

    • Like 6
  12. All I can do is apologise for this stupid forum posting.......I made a genuine attempt to get a ride in the 2014 ssdt....... The jokes and bad humour have done nothing to help my chances in the ballot stage. I can only apologise for the actions of others which was out of my control.

    I did not ask for this posting subject and am embarrassed about the whole thing.....for once I wish TC editorial had pulled it in the first instance.


    Gary b

    Don't be daft Gary - apart from the fact that I don't think anyone that carries out the ballot is on TC, it genuinely is names out of a hat for the available places. Nothing said here would have any impact on that so neither you nor Wobbler need stress about it. I'm not involved any more, but i know that the ballot was done the same way it's always been done.

    I know everyone likes to be sceptical about the ballot, but believe me, it takes an entire day to print and cut up all the papers then record each name as its drawn. If anyone had the time to assess folk based on their competency, their awards, their personality, their friends, their enemies and their TC posts, then they'd deserve an award themselves!

    Long story short, don't stress, nothing here has impacted the ballot, and go get your name on the reserve list! :)

    • Like 1
  13. ISHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hl:

    :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrinsanta:

  14. Hey there! I'm the ex-secretary - don't have any copies here,but know there are loads still with the club for selling! We normally keep an EBay sale running and update the link on the site to take you straight there every 20 days, but it's maybe fallen by the wayside in the changeover. Apologies!

    Anyway, if you go to the SSDT site and click the Contact SSDT link at the foot, that'll take you directly to the Secretary and she'll sort it for you.

    Cheers! M.

    • Like 2
  15. How do you fancy getting involved with the biggest and best trial in the whole entire world?!

    The Scottish Six Days Trial is looking for a Secretary – someone to join the fun, mayhem and camaraderie of the SSDT Committee and help bring the greatest off-road motorcycle trial in the world to fruition in May 2013! Are you up for it?

    The SSDT Secretary’s job has traditionally been quite intensive, and as the trial has increased in size and stature, as has the work involved in getting it on the ground. The SSDT Committee have recognised that getting one person to take on the job is going to be difficult, and so over recent weeks the job has been broken down into six separate roles. That means that the role of SSDT Secretary is based more around co-ordination and supervision than on actually carrying out all the work that needs to be done, making it much more manageable than it has ever been before.

    If you are interested in finding out more about the new role and having the opportunity to become part of something that is truly special, please get in touch with us at
    – we’d love to hear from you!
  16. Harsh Copey! We struggle enough to get observers willing to stand out there for twelve hours, six days a week as it is - we'll get nobody next year if they think they're going to be filmed and then berated for months afterwards....

    • Like 1
  17. I can see some logic in the "new" rule, and the organisers have absolutely no way of knowing who "Joe Bloggs" is in trials terms when he enters but it must really rankle with those who did not get an entry to see, as witnessed yet again this year, riders touring round the Highlands with no apparent intention of riding the sections.

    You're right - there's not a lot that we can do when we don't know the riders. However, it's worth noting that every observer distinguishes between 'asked' fives and genuine fives in their books, and every asked five is keyed into the system as such. We generate a report at the end of the trial of those who have asked for fives and if they are deemed to have done so too often, then their entry is excluded from future ballots so they don't get the chance to waste a place again in the future.

  18. Should also mention that G2F normally update us from sections - they get access to our Facebook and Twitter feeds and give us snippets throughout the day. Unfortunately the 3G signal seems to have worsened this year, and Jake's struggled to get any signal when he's been out and about....we're working on that to try and find an alternative for tomorrow though, so you should see an improvement then!

  19. We've got a single blog for each day that we update when the office is quiet enough, but Facebook is your best bet for keeping up with the one-liners. Yesterday was particularly quiet because we were so busy juggling everything to reroute the trial and get everyone back in before dark that we simply didn't get the luxury of a seat at the computer. Apologies - we are trying, but unfortunately have loads of work to do as well as sitting online!

    We've got live results feed though, and live webcam feeds, and GPS tracking throughout the trial, so you can always have a squizz at those if you're bored.....or start some online chat amongst yourselves! :)

  20. Yup - he is, just confirmed last night.

    There's a change of location this year though - it's going to be at Caol Community Centre, 8pm start.

    Does he normally announce it himself? Don't want to go talking about it on here if he normally does a launch.....

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