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Posts posted by jason1987
  1. hello all the barrel did have marks on it and a little score of the nickel plating b and b road and trails local bike shop told me to get some henry cloth and sand it out and id get away with it.

    i started the bike up yesterday and took it up garden path when you rev it its not letting enough gasses out of the exhaust and spitting white stuff out of the exhaust does this help anymore i dont wanna be throwing loads of money at it as im out of work at the minute

    someone suggested that it may be the crank seals that have gone the fan is kicking in when riding the bike

  2. hello all just bought a gas gas pro in bits for £500 quid built it back up put new piston and rings in new gaskets kicked it up it started 2nd kick with choke knocked choke off put it in gear sets off but soon as you put it under load its like it choking its self

    I put another a new plug in run abit better but still missing abit

    can someone help me out

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