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Posts posted by pluto6553
  1. Dear slicktop,my new best friend in the universe.I took two small flat blade screwdrivers and pried on opposing sides gently and smoothly, it slid right off (splines on the shaft) exposing all.I was then able to slide the stock clamp in and holding it w/small pliers, slide in the fuel line.However it bends the line at an awkward angle wanting to slide the line back off.After trying other squeeze spring type clamps i ended up using a nylon tie w/a metal tang.After pulling on every clamp that i tried i feel this was the strongest set up.I am slightly O.C.D.about having things bullet proof,have not walked out of the woods in over 20 years and want to keep it that way.I owe you one,if your ever in N.H.you can ride my 300 evo or my 300xcw ktm or my sons 250cr or we will all switch around.We have some good riding as i am sure you do too.Thank you so much,i did not want to break my new bike that i have not even rode yet.The snow is finally melting and i am ready to ride!

  2. In the instructions for long range tank/seat installation it says fuel line is attached to tank, mine is not.The fuel line spring clamp was down inside the little tunnel that goes to the attachment point at the, molded into the tank?fuel shut off.I was able to get it out w/a long hook,distorting it because it seems to be bigger than the tunnel.I have more clamps like that, and smaller, but none seem to fit into the tunnel, and if they did there is no room to get in there or see to insure its on properly.Does the fuel shut off come out of the tank to make this task possible?Or whats the trick?I can stuff it in there, w/no clamp and it seems to fit but i do not really trust that.How do they do it at the factory?I also like to replace fuel lines every year.I can not believe that i can not figure this out!  Any thoughts,comments,advise, a slap in the head,would be greatly appreciated.

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