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Everything posted by racinguy
  1. Thanks Outlaw Dave you cemented my suspicions about this bike. I had never heard of it before and at the price $200 I didn't think I could go wrong but maybe I did. In the mean time I have split the case and got the big end to move freely. Needles look not too bad (aren't blue) but can assume the hard surfacing is damaged. The crank bearings sound OK. Pistons isn't scored and the wrist pin looks great. I think maybe I will reassebmle and run. Truth is if I can't get any parts I'm not really hurting anything except my @ home time. I know that pretty pirmative but so is the inside of this thing. Besides I never am far from the trailer. In the mean time if some parts come your way or anyone elses for that matter PM me and I will respond. Thanks Greg
  2. I thought I would take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Greg and I am typing from Vancouver Island on the west coast of British Columbia Canada. I have two trials bikes #1 is 1979 TY250 and my newest one I bought is a 97 RTX 212 Trials. If anyone knows anything on this RTX bike could you maybe send me some links. It came with a owners manual written in felt pen along with an exploded pic of the clutch along with some specs of oil etc. It also has some phone # for the USA, but I thought I would try my luck on the internet first. I searched the interenet and was linked to a post written by one of the members here *petedad* who had transplanted a honda engige in place due to availability of parts. I emailed him and hopefully he has some leftovers for me. As this RTX 212 came in a box and the big end of the connecting rod is locked on the crank. I have probably said enuf here as this forum is intended for introductions not endless babbling.
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