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Posts posted by zakp
  1. Hi Guys, I need a little advice if possible? 

    Just purchased a Gas Gas tx270 on a 1998, had a bike when I was much younger and decided to give it another go now the children are a little older. 

    I have drained the gearbox oil whilst engine was hot to refresh before heading out for first practice and replaced with 600ml of EP90 as a guy on here recommended. As the bike doesn’t appear to have anywhere to fill oil I removed the clutch plate and slowly poured in. Now I cannot see the oil in the viewing window and I’m unsure if there is too much, not enough as some other posts state only add around 400ml in. Just wondered if the bike needs to be run or left to settle before a reading can be seen? 

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I know the consequences could be costly. 


  2. Hi Guys,

    New to this the world of trials, used to ride as a youngster although children and marital commitments put an end to that, just decided to get back out and about, picked up a 1998 tx270 to see how things progress before getting something a little newer. Based in essex so if anyone knows any clubs, sites or places for spares etc would be greatly appreciate as the first time around I had friends in the know, this tome im out on my own so to speak. 

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