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Everything posted by aem221
  1. I currently have an 06 sy250 with both a standard tank and a long ride kit. I am a 48 year old int. rider. The long ride kit is great for club trials events. The only downside is that it takes a little longer to change the air filter and it is not the great advantage on the trail as I hoped if you are a taller rider. Your knees seem to be in your chin.As for the 2 and 4 stroke question. I started out 2 years ago on 2 strokes and have recently picked up a 4rt Montesa. The 4 stroke does seem a little more dificult to ride as there is engine graking to deal with. I seem to be catcching on well but it is different. I dont feel that a 4 stroke ofers big advantages to my riding by any means but I mdo like playing with it. I would recomend staying away from big power bikes (300's ect.) as these bikes have a little more mpunch at the top that you dont need or want for a while in my opinion. The sy250 is a great motor for a new rider. The bike is like a tractor and very dependable. I picked up the montesa for fun. I doubt I will sell the Scorpa as irt is a great bike. It is not world class but more than capable for a club rider up to advanced level anyway. Have fun!
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