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Posts posted by leesboy
  1. I was woundering if anyone has got some footage of the Nebraska nationals, I couldnt get out there and the best I can do is look at others ride the terrain. So if anyones got some footage let me know where.

    The guys from MavTV were there taping that section on the last loop. I think TechnoVideo might also have got some of the action. The footage should be very interesting. I was standing right there with my son. Fun section to watch.

  2. Section 8 must have been the mudhole! Did Smage punch out to save the bike? :thumbup:

    Section 8 was the mudhole. Pat did not punch out just didn't make it up. This ended up being the only section to give the top guys any trouble.Cody and Will both took a 1 on the final loop. Keith would have taken a 1 also I believe but yelled for his minder to grab his bike,just as the skid plate hit and held on the ledge. I think the guys from MavTV were filming a lot of the action at section 8. I saw some of the video and I think it will be on the website in a few days.

  3. Wayne

    What school did your son play basketball for in Iowa?


    We were very fortunate, three of our children decided to go to college and for the most part paid their own way. The middle daughter moved to California right out of High School and became a resident, that allowed her to get her education fairly inexpensively, she worked and went to school and did get some student loans, she now has a family and two Masters degrees and lives within a mile of where we live. The youngest daughter received some athletic scholarships, attended a junior college, lived at home, worked and then finished up most of her classes from one of the state colleges at the local junior college, she did have to drive to some of the classes but she lived at home and that kept the cost down, she is now living in Oklahoma and working on her Masters. ( I think you know her) Our youngest son received basketball scholarships to the local junior college and then he went to a small school in Iowa, also on scholarship to get his BA. He moved back home and attended the U of I to earn his Masters, he was able to work in the athletic department which paid his tuition, he does have a student loan he has to pay off, however he is out on his own and has a full time job.

    We have been very blessed in that we did not have to go into dept to pay for our kids education, that is one reason that I have been able to have so many toys.

    Hang in there, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


  4. Where is the best place to stay for the world round? It looks like things close to the TTC are full. Where in Chattanooga is a good place to stay? Or is there someplace else close that would have decent rooms.

    Thanks for the help

  5. There is no excuse for the lack of results posted on the internet. We should be ashamed of ourselves in the trials community, from the casual fan such as myself, to the people who are trying to make a living from this. If we want this sport to grow in our country we need to take action ourselves. How we can have a National event and still be wondering what the results were days later is just hard for me to accept. I know we are just a small niche sport, but that doesn't have to mean we act like we have weekend get togethers once in a while. That's enough of a rant from me, but I think it is a sad commentary on our sport in this country.

  6. WHO do you think pays to keep that vegetable alive because HE made the choice not to wear a helmet?


    Thanks for making this post, because it saves me the effort. As long as my tax dollars are being used to provide care for the uninsured, or under-insured, I have a problem with freedom of choice. Whether it is no helmet, smoking, drinking while driving, the cost of housing repeat criminals, etc. freedom of choice almost always conflicts as a burden upon others.

    I am all for no helmet, if that is what turns your crank. Smoke all you want, and have a drink to. But when you are incapacitated from the wreck, dying of cancer, or need the liver transplant, why does anyone other than you have to pay for it?

    Very well said DG. I could not agree with you any more.

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