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Posts posted by drstihl
  1. That's what I thought. It was just sticking straight up, and it seemed like to curve over where water couldn't go down it. I just wasn't sure if it hooked or vented onto another nipple.

    Thanks for the help


  2. Help Help! :angry: I just got home from my second trials. When I removed the seat on my bike (1998 TX270) to clean the mud off, I found a rubber line just a layin in there! It looks as if it comes off the crankcase, has a protective spring around it, and runs up towards the carb or rear brake resevoir. I know the one end goes to the crankcase (only cuz' it was still hooked), but where does the other end go?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if I need to describe it alittle better, please let me know



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