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Everything posted by staff
  1. Hello, my name is Staff and I have recently purchased a basket case tl125, I have ridden lots of bikes and owned a fair few in the past but I still have fond memories of my early teenage years riding my mates TL in the local forest. When I got it home I put the engine in the frame and fired it up it didn't sound to bad with no sign of burning oil, however when I drained the oil two teeth came out Which I found after stripping the engine came from the kickstart gear. I have since rebuilt the engine with new parts, however on inspection I have found that the inlet and exhaust valves need replacing and this is where my problem lies. It appears that the original one part cylinder head has been replaced with a two part alternative, I assumed it was from a later TL so I purchased a new set of valves for a TL but they are not the same! so I am now stuck as I don't know what model Honda the head is off so I cannot buy the correct valves. Does anyone out there know how to identify a cylinder head ? It would also help me if anyone has a TL with the head off (any type of head) and they would kindly measure the length and diameter of the valves at the widest point (not the stem dia) as this might point me in the right direction. Any assistance would be much appreciated. thanks Staff.
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