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Posts posted by clarkie
  1. thanks jimmyl so from what i gather you can download maps from this web site but you can only load a single map with the single map software and vise versa with the dual maps you need seprate software.Also you can only load single maps unless you convert them to dual but you still need the dual map software to load them to bike and the same if you convert a dual map to single you still need the single map software to load it........if that makes sense :wacko:

  2. hi can anyone tell me if this tool is worth getting and if so how hard to use, also can it be used on any year of bike or do you have to match the year to the software if that makes sense ie can one that says 2005 be used on a 2008 bike

    i read that it can diagnos if your bike has a problem

    ps. i do have a programmable throttle many thanks

  3. Thanks guys and that is another option but what bugs me is it runs fine for mybe 2 or 3 laps then plays up like addicts did its like its picking up the fault steadily then starts the spluttering and small flame out the exhaust when i try and rev it high maybe something is failing with heat trouble with mine is it does sort of clear then few minutes later when i try and rev high its back, but it never stalls or try to and will tickover fine it only does it when i try and open her up does that sound familiar addict to your problem only had the bike 4 months.....

  4. many Thanks for help. i should add that it starts spluttering and not reving out after about two laps of trial and its happened when its been wet and muddy hope someone can help as have trial weekend and have problems opening it up for big climbs especially if its wet......Thanks in advance

  5. hi all i hope this will be a quick fix...? you know when somethings not right well first i start the bike and it takes 2 kicks instead of one then it does not seem to tickover like it used to ie slower but that gets better when its warm the main issue is that it starts spluttering and wont rev out

    and i get a little smoke and flame out the exhaust as its trying to rev out ,hoping this is effects of unburnt fuel has anyone had same problem and could it be just a new spark plug even thou the one in is two trials old...

    any advice will be greatly recieved.....

    its a 2008 4rt repsol

  6. hi

    can anyone tell me where and how much the twin mapping is iam thinking of getting one and can this be fitted easily or does a garage have to do it and does it really make a differenc i have heard it can and i have not had my 4rt long so iam new to this many Thanks....

  7. hi all,

    Please can you help. I have finally brought a 2007 4rt but have no manual - just wondering if anyone knows if there is a link to the manual anywhere or if anyone has one and they could e-mail me a copy that would be great. e-mail is jason.clarke23@ntlworld.com

    Many Thanks

  8. thanks stork for advice but iam posting this note in case anyone has done the same without nowing when i cleaned the carb with air line it turned out without me nowing that i had blown the brass needle seating that the needle goes into when you shut of throttle out of the carb and only found it on the floor the next day by mistake some thing as simple as that could drive you to drink but i was lucky so if you do have problems with the carb check everything because it could be something simple as a tiny brass seating thanks for all your help guys bike now runs great....... :moon:

  9. hi all hope someone can help bike running fine mont 315r 2001,but i decide to clean carb which is a oko used air line then put back on bike and now it splutters at low revs and used much more fuel and the exhaust fume smell petrolly plus there was some black smoke the only time the bike picked up was when it was just running out of fuel has any one had this or can give some advice please is there something iam missing because it ran fine before......... :moon: many Thanks

  10. hi all

    has anyone fitted an oko 28 carb and what jets they found worked as iam having trouble with the jets that come with it

    i have a montesa 315r 2001, also does having a straight thru pipe make a difference and how? . Also the bike has boyesen reeds fitted and i guess that would effect it to any help would be great........

  11. hi

    this is a tech question , i have fitted a oko carb on my montesa 315r and for it to run smooth the air screw has to be wound right in

    this leaves me with no adjustment at all on the air screw. so can anyone tell me which jets or anything to change this.

    many Thanks


  12. hi all i have just taken clutch out to try the sanding trick and have four cork and three others plus the steel ones sorry not good at this,first time taking clutch apart.But looking at the manual it seems they where fitted in a different order please can someone tell me the right order plus do you sand all the plates including the cork and others many Thanks......

  13. please can anyone help have a 2001 montesa 315r and it runs bad from first start cant get the tickover right it loses power and seems to take for ever to warm up, then when it is warm usaully after riding two laps i have to keep re-adjusting tickover then it runs like a dream its driving me mad better mention the only mod cons is i changed the reeds to boysens i always clean the air filter have to admit havent changed spark plug for couple of meetings any help would be great many Thanks :D

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