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  1. I have a D7 that was showing exactly the same symptoms you describe and I went the same way you did changing all the electrical components to no avail.Mine too was freshly ringed but mine was rebored with new piston also and like yours would start straight away and run nice for half an hour then stop and not start for many hours untill cooled right down.Bad news is that mine seized and the non starting after 30 mins was the bike partially seizing.I pulled the barrel off to find all the rings mashed up in the piston and the bore badly scored.It was odd at the time as it was sparking well and felt like it had good compression but this was down to it starting to pick up in the bore and making it feel like it had good compression.I had mine rebored again with a new piston and all is well again and have just returned from a 60 mile ride.I believe pistons and rings aint what they used to be and was told by the chap who supplied the piston to give it a 3 thou clearance in the bore or you will get grief which was born out by the old guy who machined the barrel and said I done it to 2 thou as it should be and it didn't feel right so he took it to 3 and was then happy with it.I know you have only done rings and apart from the obvious like making sure they are between the pegs in the piston be aware that not all rings/pistons or machining can be relied on.My bet is rings are your problem.Good luck.
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