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New Boy


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How much fuel do I need for a typical club trial? Do I need elbow pads and or knee pads, is that the norm?

My son is 7 - same question

How strict is scrutineering - for instance - a slightly wobbly wheel bearing? - Lads bike has weeping fork seals.

My hanlebar grips are open at the ends, is that normal? Will it pass?

I'm sure I will learn all this at my first trial - just don't want to screw up!

Will everyone laugh when I fall off? I hope so - I will!

Thanks Jim :wacko:

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Hi Jim

With regard to a club trial, scrutineering can be pretty lax, and some don't have any scrutineering at all.

Someone more familiar can confirm what they check but things like open-ended bar grips aren't going to be an issue.

If you can get a pair of fork seals for the lad's bike it would be a good idea to change them regardless of scrutineering just so that you don't end up with fork oil all over the place (front tyre and brake being most important!) Changing the fork seals is easy. You could do the wheel bearings in 20 minutes for both wheels too.

Generally people don't laugh when you fall off, they normally wince and go 'ooowwwch', most of them will have felt your pain at some point!...

No need for elbow pads and knee pads (that may be more likely to get you laughed at), just wear some decent boots and a lid, the rest of your clothing can be whatever you want. Within reason...

For the lad, he should have long sleeves, some clerks can be a bit funny about that.

Good luck!!

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You may find some clubs will be picky about open ended grips as they leave the handlebars quite exposed which can be dangerous in a crash. Grab some bar ends or some closed end grips and you'll be fine.

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Hi Jim,

I'm fairly new to this myself, only completed my 3rd trial last sunday. In my first i fell off numerous times, once heavily banging my right elbow on a rock, was sore for about a week. 2nd trial same thing other elbow, that was Boxing day and its still a bit sore now.

So for my 3rd trial i wore elbow pads, just light weight things but safe knowing it wasnt going to happen again, turns out the 3rd trial was mostly on grass and mud no big rocks so i was safe.

If you feel that you are going to fall off a lot and your riding in rocky areas then give them a try, you can always take them off.


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For the lad, he should have long sleeves, some clerks can be a bit funny about that.

He will also probably be required to wear gloves too.

Also i would reccomend a rugby shirt as these dont let the thorns straight through and offer a bit of protection from that evil thing known as the floor

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