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Fork Seals


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Time to go through the front forks. Has anyone had any luck with bearing suppliers getting the correct sized seals rather than getting the official Yamaha parts? I live in a large metro city with several good industrial supply warehouses. Thanks

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175 by chance? just searching for sources for my sons seals.

Its an odd size, I think 40.5 mm od or something. I ordered a (40 and a 41?) through TCM mostly taiwan sourced but avaliable at most bearing houses. They were about $2 each, but I have not yet tried to fit them in place. I suspect will be a dead end.

local Yam said NLA, but I question that. I know the dust boots are NLA.

there is an ebay guy selling seals, about $13 a pair. search on trials, he has TL125 seals listing always going ad nauseum. I have some TY250 seals from them, have not installed yet. Price is reasonable enough My concern is not fit or sealing ability, but how much stiction will there be.


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Yes, it's a 175. I'll check ebay and see what's going on there. I need to pull out my parts book and get the size specs and call around. We've got a pretty good Yam dealer in town too. I was going to replace the boots with Seal Savers. Will keep you posted.

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