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Hello From New Hampshire


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Hello all. Ive been lurking this forum for a while. Im seriously thinking about getting into trials for the first time at the age of 45. I raced MX for 10 years many years ago. I competed in over 500 races and won @200 overall's. Over that time I started on 100cc 2 strokes and worked up till I was on 500cc 2 strokes. A broken back and wrecked left knee ended my racing career at 22.

But during that time I got to know many trials riders while in school and a few as I got older. I attended many events, but have been away from them for a while. This year I plan on getting out to spectate at some events here in New England. Just to see how things now go and get a better idea how events are run. Ive got some old age weight to take off and some upcoming shoulder surgery to recover from before realy deciding to take the plunge.

Ive been riding 4x4 quads for a couple years and found that the competitive sparkle is still there. But Im smart enough to know that my mx days are far behind me. So anyway, I plan on using this time to get myself back in shape and get some of the couch potato belly fat off before buying a new or possible used trials bike.

see ya in the funny papers!


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Well Welcome Back ...! As another old plonker (49 this year) Who grew up in new england riding netra and neta events a whole bunch in the early 70's , then life happened , You won't find a better form of compition to get back into . I would suggest finding a good old twinshock bike and get to playing asap ... then if you feel the need to go further get a modern bike and jump into the mix . But take care of your body first , 'cause if your not comfy and can't concentrate while riding trials , it isn't much fun ... Although anyday on my old fantic beats just about anything else ...

Have fun !

Glenn :rolleyes:

Edited by axulsuv
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Hey thanks. I belong to a ATV club here in NH with trails based in the lakes region, Alton to be exact. We have always allowed dirt bikes and such but never been good at getting the word out. Our club trail area looks to be a great place for trials training. Mountains and a bazillion rocks and boulders. As soon as the snow melts and we get the ok from the land owner and trailmasters to get in there, some of us are going in to scope out what we can offer the local trials riders. One of our members bought a used trials bike last year but hasnt riden it. Im hoping that after we get the regular trail system cleaned up and ready for for this season, we will then work on a confidence course for novice riders to acclimate to their bikes before heading into the woods. Were realy excited to having these plans to work on and get aquainted with the local Trials comunity.

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