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Another Tc Newbie Saing Hello!


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Hello All!

Just wanted to say hello, introduce myself and express my appreciation for such a great site!

My name is Christian Otero, been living in Northern California's San Francisco Bay Area all of my life, have raced vintage MX with AHRMA since '93 and am presently infatuated with getting back into riding trials (vintage for the moment) as, with each passing year, the prospect of serious injury due to riding over my head in MX becomes considerably less and less appealing! I'm presently getting a Bul 199a competition-ready and have been quite busy combing the forums looking for ideas and guidance to make my new (old) ride as efficient and reliable as can be.

This really is a excellent website for everything trials related and I'm looking forward to making some new friends living here in the states and abroad who share this wonderful, all-consuming passion!

Best regards -

C. (aka vintagenut)

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Hello All!

Just wanted to say hello, introduce myself and express my appreciation for such a great site!

My name is Christian Otero, been living in Northern California's San Francisco Bay Area all of my life, have raced vintage MX with AHRMA since '93 and am presently infatuated with getting back into riding trials (vintage for the moment) as, with each passing year, the prospect of serious injury due to riding over my head in MX becomes considerably less and less appealing! I'm presently getting a Bul 199a competition-ready and have been quite busy combing the forums looking for ideas and guidance to make my new (old) ride as efficient and reliable as can be.

This really is a excellent website for everything trials related and I'm looking forward to making some new friends living here in the states and abroad who share this wonderful, all-consuming passion!

Best regards -

C. (aka vintagenut)

Lots of vintage action out there it seems! You need to find Clive"No Jive" as he is up in the hills somewhere not far from you. :huh: Needs a good reason to ride his Bultaco! Boulder Creek I think is where he is.

Edited by copemech
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Hello copemech -

Thank you for saying hello!

Yes, there is a fair bit of quality trials riding still available here in NorCal. Try as I might to limit the number of bikes and unrelated other interests, I do inevitably find myself coming back to riding trials. It's truly a full-concentration activity... not too unlike playing a competitive round of golf for us motorcycle-minded enthusiasts... and so is fantastically cathartic when looking for an escape from everything else. Also, it doesn't hurt that it's simply a blast to pull unnecessary wheelies and practice near-vertial climbs which can be a bit tough in a golf cart.

You a vintage trialer or primarily modern? Curious as I'm considering getting onto a modern trials bike at some point in the near future (wife permitting, of course.). It's certainly look nice parked beside the vintage Bul!

Cheers -


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Hello copemech -

Thank you for saying hello!

Yes, there is a fair bit of quality trials riding still available here in NorCal. Try as I might to limit the number of bikes and unrelated other interests, I do inevitably find myself coming back to riding trials. It's truly a full-concentration activity... not too unlike playing a competitive round of golf for us motorcycle-minded enthusiasts... and so is fantastically cathartic when looking for an escape from everything else. Also, it doesn't hurt that it's simply a blast to pull unnecessary wheelies and practice near-vertial climbs which can be a bit tough in a golf cart.

You a vintage trialer or primarily modern? Curious as I'm considering getting onto a modern trials bike at some point in the near future (wife permitting, of course.). It's certainly look nice parked beside the vintage Bul!

Cheers -


Well, I am offically vintage now, but the bike is not! As an old MX'er, I did get a chance to ride many ov the vintage bikes when new, yet it was not my style at the time. And although I should add I have a certain attraction for the old iron, which is really what got me back into riding trials at about year 2000. I just wanted something to putt around on! Found a modern bike!

Well, all I can say is that an old bike really does not compare, although they do have their own group who still loves them. The new bikes win hands down in most respects, barring a seat, but you adjust to that quickly! If I had an old one now, it would just sit mostly, so I simply cannot and have not brought myself to do the vintage thing. Events are scarce around here too. Although we still allow a vintage class at the club trials.

If you have been bitten, you will go with your gut feelings. Try to get to some modern events for a ride. Watch a few sections and such. The modern bikes are amazing, but I usually recommend sticking with a good 200- 250 even for an experienced rider to learn and adjust. Many of the others can bee too much to deal with.



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Thank you for your wonderful advice on the modern bike! I had a feeling that I should err on the side of under than overpowered motor selection... particularly given the extreme lightness of these bikes and myself, for that matter (165lbs). Hearing your sound recommendation definitely cements that decision. A 350cc bike from yesteryear is simply not in the same league and would, indeed, quickly get me into unwanted trouble or sour me on the whole experience!

I'll keep an eye out for a good 200cc ride and happily take it from there. Now all I need to do is develop a compelling enough story to convice my wife of my "need" for an additional bike!

Best regards -


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I hope you get out to some modern events to do some checking around and testing. . .!

I had hopes "no jive" would have chimed in by now, yet he may seldom checks this thread.

The 200cc range is somewhat limited, Beta being the only true 200! There are other good things out there though. Feel free to send me a PM from this site any time!

Cheers and later,


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