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Thieving Scum In Watford Hemel Area.


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Guys just to let you know there are bike thieves in the Watford & Hemel area.

They are apparently targeting small bikes, including trials bikes.

I was lucky the missus thought a door was flapping in the wind & went out to investigate to be confronted by two scroates, one with an iron bar in the garage. She asked what they were doing???!!! & after she tried to lock them in they pushed her out of the way they ran off closely followed by a silly bugger in his pyjamas welding a three foot extension bar.

Just lucky the police found me before I found the scroates!!!!

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Glad you got to them before it was too late.

Guys, we all need to keep our eyes open; there have been 2 thefts from club members in the last few weeks; one in Irchester, Northants and another in Biggleswade in Bedfordshire.

We all need to be extremely vigilant. Let's not be paranoid, but if you think you've been followed home after a trial, get the numbers, take pictures on your phone, and lock the dog to your bike! (Or Loonal's missus as she's clearly a match for thieving gets...)

Also, let's not fuel the trade. If you're buying a bike that's suspiciously cheap, don't turn a blind eye. Ask questions. It may be a bargain to you, but that may be someone else's bike that they can now not afford to replace. Let's also keep our eyes open on Ebay for bikes we know turning up; you never know, the thieving classes are not known for thier brains.

And one other thing; be careful. The cops are not my favourite organisation right now, but I'll not go into that here. Suffice to say they like to have crimes they can solve as unsolved ones look bad. They stand very little chance of catching an experienced bike thief. However, if you get caught standing over their bloodied, ruined body holding a weapon of choice, they have crime and criminal (you) in front of them in one easily closed package. Let's not all become criminals here!


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