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Sheffield Indoor World Round

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.The British round of the world indoor series is this coming weekend, and once again there is bugger all for press releases on any of the top web sites, this can only mean the series promoters haven't sent them out? or am I wrong and the websites just cant be bothered to post world championship news, or is there only enough promotional $$$$$$$ for the Spanish rounds.

Who is riding, and their current standings, or is it just a circus as many say and not worth the effort to let the trials world know what's going on.

Why do they charge the event organisers a fee? is it to help promote the event, or just to give some sad bugger a room and front seats at the event.

Any wonder why trials isn't doing well at world level.

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Hey Ish, I aggree with your point on the Status of Trials - and the lack of news. - Maybe Mart doesn't have a computer ?? - Just kidding, at least I will get a first hand report next weekend when my mate comes back from the UK - He has got front row seats for tonight, supplied by Martin.

By my 24hr clock I see it is 3pm in Yorkshire so the lads are probably still in Pub !!........ aye Outlaw Dave

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Hi Dave, I have no doubt Andy will give a first class report and pictures of the event, and if he was given the pre event info from Octagon, it would have been posted in short order, instead he had to write a bit of a blurb just so there was something posted.

The event organizers job is to put on the show and fill the seats, that parts done, who's job is it to promote the series and let Joe public know about a world championship event??????

I don't know what paid professional promoters do, but I would think to get major sponsors who want their name and product promoting it needs to be seen.

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