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Hey guys,

Well im from wrexham in north wales, been riding motorcross most of my life, but it has come to a point where id like to follow my passion. I've always wanted a trials bike but it men't going it alone, as all my friends ride motorcross too.. So im hoping you guys can give me some good tips and advice on buying my first bike.

Im really unsure of what make and engine size to go for?.. Im not really a person to go in to competitions so this bike is going to be for learning and fun on the weekends.

I've looked at a gas gas txt pro 200 and a beta rev3 250 so far. I've read a lot on the internet and ive been seeing people say gas gas weren't very good and something to do with the gearboxes? Well the ones below 2010 models. Sadly i do not have the money for a 2010 or anything above that. Im looking around 07 to 08 models, but since seeing them posts im unsure what to do. I really like the gas gas but i don;t want to buy something that's going to have problems due to how something is made rather than the rider falling off and breaking it..

Hope you guys can help me out, and hope to speak to you all soon

Many Thanks


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Buy the best condition 250 you can find /afford.All brands have their weak points ie.Beta electrics,Gas Gas transmission/kickstart gear,Sherco general poorer quality,seem to get tired sooner than the others.Genarally bikes from the south have an easier time than northern ones,rocks are harder on abike than southern woodland.Look for a bike with an owner that knows how to maintain it,and take a mechanicly minded mate with you Good luck

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As a beginner myself I would argue that entering competitively is the way to go.

When you mess around you just mess around in your comfort zone but entering a trial, however daunting, really sharpens the mind and makes you try to improve your technique.

I was really nervous at my third trial on Sunday but eventually enjoyed myself, except for the mishaps, but was given loads of support from guys I'd not even met before. (and a fair bit of friendly derision).

That makes trials a good sport to take up on your own as you automatically start making friends with other competitors.

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Cheers for the reply's..

Husky: Do you think its best to start with a 250? Or should i look more at the 125's to 200's.. At the moment ive been to see 6 bikes, went to see a beta last night and only just noticed the kick is on the left hand side, just that alone has already put me off. I'm going to go with a gas gas for now, can always go for something different once i get my bearings with the bike.. Also thanks for the tips on the bikes, i will keep an eye out for them now.. The one im interested in is a 2005 model, an old gentleman bought it as a retirement present, but really hasn't used it at all.

Grumpyoldman: Yeah i really fancy getting involved with the competitions. Next one close to me i might go down and just have a look and see how it is.. Once i get use to the bike it would be great to go places and meet people with the same hobby and get to know a lot more faces. But at the moment i really don't want to jump in them and make a fool of myself :blush:


Edited by Dan85
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I make a fool of myself every time I ride it! Trials riders seem a very friendly and helpful bunch and do talk to us lowly beginners.

I am lucky enough to have a decent sized garden and a field to ride round and also practice trying to get the front wheel more than a foot off the ground for more than two seconds. Useful for practicing slow riding and turning but not much else.

The left hand kickstart on the Beta is a literal pain. I still have a hole in my leg from last June when my foot slipped off when wearing trainers in the garden.

I would definitely go for right kick next time although I am getting used to the left side but it still annoys me a bit (lot).

Best of luck with the search - I was lucky enought to buy a friends bike so I didn't have to go hunting.

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