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Oset 20 Dials - What Does Power Dial Do


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I am hoping this will be obvious to someone but I can't figure what the power dial does?

I got the new oset 20 home yesterday first ride and my 9 yo daughters straight away asking for all the dials to be turned up.

Now at 100% on speed switch. The lower setting is 75% apparently.

The "uptake" dial at half way so the throttles not too snappy (this is great feature)

The power dial is a mystery. Same speed and acceleration when twisted low or high? What is it supposed to do?

I am worried its broken as the bike is not as crazy a i heard they were. No power wheelies here or scared kid at full throttle. I recon my modded 16 running on 33.6v lipo is as quick.

Any pointers how to test if this dial works and if I have a duffer would be very welcome.

Just to confirm Batteries are fully charged, three lights on the meter...



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  • 2 weeks later...

You may have gotten the second generation 20. I heard the mapping instead of being 100W was going to be 75W or something like that.

If you are referring to the speed switch, its sets the top speed. While the rear wheel is in the air (on a stand), give it full throttle, and while the rear wheel is spinning, turn the switch and the speed of the rear wheel should change.

The new 2nd generation 20 model supposedly has a third adjustment which my older model does not have, so if that is what you are taking about, I cannot help you.

Good luck.

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The new generation has three controls, two dials and one switch.

Switch: 0=70% of normal top speed, 1=100% of top speed (20 MPH I think)

Right dial: This is the same as the one the first generation had. It controls throttle response. It is like an electronic version of switching between white throttle tube or black. It controls how twitchy the throttle is. Another way to say it is that it controls how quickly the controller ramps in power when the throttle is twisted.

Left Dial: This is the new one. It is intended to be a max power control. It is similar to the pot on the smaller Osets but appears to be more subtle. For instance, you cannot stop the bike from working by turnign it all the way down. I think this one is probably handled in software while the smaller bikes do it in hardware.

How to tell if both your switches are working:

Get your gear on (helmet and boots). Turn both dials all the way clockwise (top of dial to the right). Point the bike in a safe direction. Get ready to bail off the back and/or put both feet down. Give it full throttle. If your eyes do not end up as big as teacups then something is not quite right with your bike. It may not be these controls. You could have bad batteries, a bad charger, or even a dragging brake.

When people test ride them I turn both dials all the way down (counter clockwise). Then, if they want some more I gradually increase them. For my daughter I use about 1/3 - 1/2 on both. For me I turn the left one to 100% and the right one to 85%.

Your bike should have a sticker on the "gas tank" right below the rubber bung that covers the controls that explains this. It is also in the manual.

Good luck!

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