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Beta techno 1999 wiring issues


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I have recently started working on my beta techno 1999 trials bike that I had ripped apart with my dad donkeys ago and to be forgotten about, I am new to bike mechanics as this is the bike I'm using to get my bearings with and I'm loving it! Until I had reached the dreaded electric side of things, I have done some research and quickly found out I know p*** all and should have payed more attention in my science class.....but have picked up a few things so far thankfully.

I am struggling to get my head round what wires go where from the stator (or if its correct) and where to put the regulator.

The first two pictures are the original wiring and as you can see it was already a bit of a bodge job when we had bought the bike and as it was so long ago that we have taken the bike apart no pictures are around as a reference. So my questions are:

1. In the first picture does the wiring seem to be correct? (red, white n black, brown, white cables coming from the stator too CDI and the kill switch needs soldering to the cdi) And what are the two yellow wires used for? ( i think the left yellow wire is for the regulator and the other a ground wire?)

2. In the second picture these two wires also come from the CDI and i believe them to be going to the ignition coil and ground?

3. I have bought a new regulator from Beta trials spare parts UK as you can see in the third picture bottom left a small black box with one yellow wire. I've had a look around and haven't found one yet with only one wire and is confusing the sh*t out of me so if  you could give me a little incite to how I would fit this it would be hugely appreciated.

Also can anyone point me in the right direction for websites or books that are a great help for bike mechanics and electrics.




Edited by Betabikegabe
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