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Insuring At A Different Address. Grrrrrr........


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So the problem I have is insuring my bike at a different address to where I am living. The address is my ex-partners. Doodson would only insure mine if his was insured at the same time but now I am registering it they are unwilling to do that.

Why are insurers unwilling to insure my bike at a different address?

Will this change when it is registered?

I don't understand why I can't insure my bike, on my own, without his being done too - insurers don't make sense!!

If anyone can enlighten me I would be very greatful!


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Having the same problems with insurances, this time even using different countries ... in own experience.

A motorcycle or car is a mobile vehicle and can be used everywhere, and your insurance should therefore cover standard rood use of the bike.

Then there are the contract terms of the insurances, which as I know are not very much different in Mainland Europe (sadly no knowledge abou the UK).

A vehicle can be used at another place (town f.e.) for a shorter time period, (in Germany it is 3 months), then you have to get the registered at the different place (town ...). When done so you should too have the right to get the bike insured at a different place.

What don't work is to have the bike registered at on place but using it in different places and insured at a different place, because the insurance rate might be different between the places. (The insurance f.e. is mostly much costlier in a big town then in a small village).

The address for billing contact infos and so one can be different that is no problem, even for insurances in different countrys.

I hope this helps.

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