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Everything posted by squidwheelies
  1. Here's a video I filmed back in February of when the Smage Bros were in Minneapolis for the IMS show. Enjoy in HD!
  2. I want to buy a video but the Ryan Young one is $50. Are they all that expensive?
  3. Hello all! I just bought a 2006 Sherco 2.9 and it's my first trials bike. I come from Sportbike Freestyle where we tend to crash a lot and keep around spare levers and other parts that can easily be damaged and ruin a riding session. I was curious what you guys all keep around for spares. I was thinking of just buying The clutch and front brake levers, but wondered if you would recommend keeping anything else around. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  4. Thanks for all of the help! I'm going to pick the bike up wednesday and I've already been studying online at TrialsTrainingCenter.com. I want to learn the basics and then go a more non traditional route with it. I'm absolutely enamored by the riding that Julien Dupont does. I can't wait to pick up my new bike!
  5. There's a bunch of them here. I don' know how realistic they are though...
  6. I'm waiting to hear back from the bank, but it should go through and i should be the proud owner of a trials bike! Has anyone ever put a hand brake on one of these? i.e. a rear brake lever as well as a clutch lever on the left side of the bars? Thats what we do in sportbike freestyle to control the rear brake when we're not on the pegs.
  7. I did some more looking. Would this be a good buy for $2600? My link
  8. What do you mean when you say they will have a hard time? Not enough power? Tired motors? Not good enough suspension?
  9. Hey everybody! I'm a semi-pro Sportbike Freestyle rider who's looking for a new chalenge! I've been intrigued by Trials for years, and I want to buy my first Trials bike. I have really good throttle and brake control compared to most novice trials riders due to my experience with Sportbike Freestyle and I'm wondering which bike I should start on. There's a 1993 Gas Gas GT12 and a 1992 Gas Gas GT32 for sale somewhat close by. They're both priced at $1200 (thought I'm sure I can talk them down.) Which one would be a better starter bike for someone such as myself? I'm not a big guy (5'10", 180lbs) but like I said I think I would take to this pretty quickly due to my experience. What do you think? Also, here's a pic of what I do if you're not familiar wiht sportbike freestyle.
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