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Posts posted by trilabite
  1. Hello,

    Im happy to say I finally got my new Montesa Repsol. I was wondering if anyone out there could help me. It the Decal pack there are a couple of foil heat deflectors. One with a padded side, and one just foil with a square hole notched out of it. I assume it goes between the muffler and the carbon outer plate. My questions is, is there any reference or way of knowing how the heck these go on correctly? In addition to this any pointers, or tips that would be good for a new Montesa owner to know about this bike?


  2. Possibly? The engine looks identical, I actually went off the Sherco manual when looking into things. If the Sherco has issues, then the Scorpa probably does? Hopfuly they can figure it out if this seems to happen allot. Could be a great bike in the end.

  3. LOL sounds good I already have my Banyer's account. Im a huge tech junky and love building mods for my bikes. Can't wait to tweek and twiddle on it to get things really humming. Just wish I didn't have to wait 4 weeks for her to come in! Worth it though, its 2200 to get it here by jet. Less then half of that by boat. Apperently bikes have been upgraded to (Dangerous goods). I would like someone to explain to me how a bike with no gas or oil in it is able to explode. Oh well, something to look forward to. Going to ride the p*** out of this thing. lol

  4. Thanks JJ65! Awesome info and thank you. I'm saving all your points for reference. This is my first full trials bike, last thing I rode was a KTM 530, and I rode her hard. Will be good to switch gears. (pun) Seems everyone that rides Montesa loves them, I'm sure I will too. I bombed around on my buddies Gas Gas raga a bit and it was fun, but all the maintanance stuff steered me towards Montesa. Not too worred about the weight. Way I see it if I master a heavier bike, makes me that much stronger a rider. ;P

    One thing I would say would be nice is if all this RnD that Montesa/Honda pumps into their Team bike were to trickle down to there replica. They seem so far apart, at least offer these nifty inovations as an upgrade to the Montesa fans. It's shamefull what I've spent on suspention upgrades on other bikes. Give me a chance would be fun to do it with the Montesa ;)

  5. Well said Artie, and figured more or less that's the deal. From what I've seen the 4RT has endless power, and seen amazing things done with the bike. Of course its all about the rider. Once I get mine im going to see what parts can be created lighter might build some Magnesium componets. (I run some cnc Machinery at home.) I get some good prices on Magnesium billet. The new stuff is gool to about 20% lighter the Aluminum and less likely to catch fire. A dream come true. :)

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  6. Hey all!

    Very excited about a new Montesa Repsol I just ordered. Just for fun, I was wondering if anyone knew how diferent the Repsol Replica was from the actuall factory bike. I know the Gas Gas Raga replica is fairly true to the factory bike is this the same for Montesa?

    Also for those that have been running a Repsol what do you thing of it? This would be my first 4stroke trials bike, I'm curius to know more about it. I have to wait about 4 weeks for mine to show up. :/


  7. Perhaps your right about not running the bike at the factory to phase out any issues like this. I honestly don't know the protocal.

    @Ridgrunr, certainly a good point. That was one of the first things I tried actually. I pulled the fuel line off the shut off valve on the tank and ran a hose off it into a cherry can. Opened it up and fuel was flowing just fine. Tested the vent at the top, checked it and all looked good. Then I pulled apart everything from the tank down to the carb. Opened it up pulled everything apart down to the last needle. All clear as a bell. Floats moved smoothly and confirmed the float hight. Float needle smooth as silk. Nice little carb actually. Put it all back together and fired it up same thing. As soon as I feel the engine getting warm she dies. I let it cool and tried this about 6 more times. Same thing. I actually just returned the bike yesterday and have made a switch to another brand. Not because I think Scorpa suck, just because I used it as an excuse to go and order my first choice. Which I will have in 4 weeks. Hopeully. :/ I'm going to check in with the mechanic and find out what it was. I'll post it and let all the folks know here!

  8. That sounds about right. I think the first two stalls were coincidence. I did a few tests with just keeping the bike on level ground and putting around in circles till the bike warmed up. Then it would stall out and stay that way for about 30 mins. It could be the Stator? I've actually never had an issue with a stator, and cant even fathom why it only fails when the engine runs for about 5 minuets. Seems that kind of issue would be present with a cold or warm engine. also how can Scorpa let a bike go with an issue like that? Don't they run the engine before it goes out the door to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen? The whole thing stinks really, kind of turned me off to Scorpa all together.

  9. almost sounds like stator breaking down , i know gas gas have had problems with the new 80cc bikes after only 2nd outing

    I think you may be right Zerorev. The symptoms are the same, run for about 5 minuets. Then she dies. Seems to be when the engine warms up. When the engine does quit it does it quick, about 1 to 1.5 seconds. Then its a paper weight for about half hour before I can get it started again. Not very impressed with this machine.

  10. Just a follow up. I was sitting here looking at the dam thing and decided to give the fuel flow a second look. (Just a note up front thing is still F#$%ed) I have now removed all fuel, lines carb, needles. Thuroly inspected and blown clean of anything. (didn't find one crumb of gunk by the way.) Put it all back together and gave it a kick. Came to life first try. Bike felt great, revs nice. did a couple wheelies. Then you could hear it start to die a little. Almost like if you took your hand off the gas she would putter out. So I tried to keep it going. Then very abruptly BRRrrrrr.... F$&K! Tried to start it again.... nothing. Let it sit for 5 mins. Starts second try for about 2 second the dead. Seems to be when the engine warms up. Could it be a spark thing?

  11. Thanks guys. All great advice. Normally my first response would be to take the dam thing back. This is not the kind of thing that a guy should have to deal with on a brand new bike. Problem is the dealership is over an hour away in traffic. So much for a new bike for the long weekend. Frustrated to say the least. The guy was nice enough, and granted it worked fine at the shop. But that means nothing when you finally start going up hill. THE ONE DAM THING YOU NEED THE MOST! LOL Well I'm bringing it back, and might just go with my first idea Ossa, or Montesa. Nothing against Scorpa! Im sure there great. But I'll just wait for the bike for me to come in.

    Thanks again guys for all the advice!

  12. Okay so I pulled everything apart down to the carburetor. Floats and needle seem to move smoothly. I pulled the fuel line off the side and there was not much in there, a spec maybe the size of a pinhead. All clear everywhere else. Pulled the fuel line off the carb and opened the fuel valve. It had a steady flow so the tank vent seems to be fine. Put it all together and same issue! I'm really stumped here guys. Also does anyone know what the carb mix screw is set to from the factory? Could it be running to lean?

  13. Thanks for the feedback guys. So to you guys it would seem like gunk blocking the fuel flow somewhere? It's a new bike so I dont really know my way around it much. The fuel line goes directly into the carb Should I be opening that up?

  14. Hello! I'm new to this forum. Hopefully someone out there can help me we an issue I'm having. I just got a brand new 2012 Scorpa 280 Longride. Took it out yesterday and gave it a kick, started up no problem. idoled nice and ripped around on flat ground no problem. Then I went to go up a bit of an incline then the engine just BRRRRrrrrr......... dead. So I backed down to flat ground and tried to started it again and it would start up for a few seconds then BRRRRrrrrrr...... Sounds like its starving for fuel. I left it alone for the night. Called the dealer next morning and he told me that the blunger needle or somehting in the carb stuck on his the first time then was fine. So Next morning I went straight out the the bike gave it a few love taps with the soft end of a screwdriver. Fired up nice just like the day before. Again putted around a bit all is great, no issues. Then I go to take it up a bit of a hill and BRRRRrrrr... same thing. tried to start it again and it will sound like its trying to start but I can barrely bring it to life and its down again. This if my first Scorpa and so far not so good. Whats going on?!?! Any insight would be great!


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