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Posts posted by yorkierob
  1. Hi all, I dont suppose anyome knows where I can get hold of a new or good used piston/top end kit, i have re honed the barrel and its fine just have a scored piston and im struggling to find a replacement! Any help woild be greatly appreciated



  2. As oer title, my friend has just bought a jtx 270 contact to learn to ride with us, however the bike struggles to downchange, it runs up the gears perfectly but coming down it almost feels like your in first trying to change down, nothing there at all until you knock the gear lever up a little to hit neutral level it will down change any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

  3. New to the forum, bought an 04 270 rev 3 off a mate, had the notorious stator plate issue which has been changed, it runs but is very hit and miss, ive checked on the beta website and they say to set the ignition timing to 2.2mm on the rev3s, he also had the carb stripped and ultrasonic cleaned and chucked back together, basically what im after is if could someone please point me in the right direction for coerect ignition timing and carb adjustment for both the adjustment screws on the side of the carb, im awaiting on the woodruff key to arrive in the post so I can get the flywheel back on and have round 2 at getting the bugger to run right

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