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Posts posted by zakmaeda
  1. Hi guys, please excuse my motorcycle ignorance, I am a bicycle guy. Anyways, my bike was leaking on my 2002 rev 3 and I tracked it down to the bolt above my Kickstarter. I unthreaded it to clean it out and now it will not thread all the way in. The unthreaded bottom portion of the bolt seems to be blocked by the Kickstarter rod. Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks




  2. Recently aquired a 2002 Rev3 and dont have much motorcycle experience. Last week I changed the clutch case on the bike due to a crack under the skid plate rubber. On my first ride with the new cover I rode a new spot and there was a river crossing. I didnt realize how depp the water was till it was too late to turn around, it may have been 18-20" deep. So, I crossed and all was fine and rode around the area for about 30 minutes and decided to head back across to get to my truck. On the way back I crossed it just fine and about 20 feet out of the water the bike slowly died. I kicked it a few times and it would turn back on for about 2 seconds and die. I walked the bike back to the truck and let it dry for about 5-10 minutes and kicked it and it started after the second kick and worked fine for the rest of the day (about another hour). When I got home I drained the oil and it was milky colored from water. Where would the water more than likely be able to get into the oil? I know it wasnt the water pump cause that is brand new. Is it pretty normal for a bike to die after big water crossings? I am a newbie so I am not to sure on any of this.


  3. Hi guys,

    I recently aquired a 2002 Beta Rev from a friend in Arizona and I am currently trying to get it registered in California. All steps have been going smoothly with the DMV until they said I need a engine number. After going to the DMV inspections they could not find the number so they are telling me I need to go to California Highway Patrol (CHP) for their inspection process. While making the appointment with the CHP the officer told me if there is indeed no engine number than the bike is more than likely illegal to be registered in California. Anybody have this problem in the past? Does anybody know if the 2002 Betas have engine numbers and where they would be? I have an appointment with the CHP next Thursday. What are my options if the bike does not have an engine number?



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