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Posts posted by monkeynuts
  1. After a couple a spokes snapping and being replaced by myself it looks my rear wheels is now out of true.


    Not really having the knowhow of how to fix it does anyone know of anywhere in Leeds, Wakefield, York areas that I could pop it in for them to do?

  2. Wanting to upgrade my current machine and two options have come up, 2015 Beta 300 and a 2015 Sherco 300. Both are the same money, age and condition give or take.

    Which would you choose? I'm leaning towards the Beta as I've read they are a bit better made and I will get longer out of it but can't decide. Any other thoughts either way?

  3. Hello all,

    Completely new to the whole trails / off-road thing but looking to make a start. Booked onto a lesson at a place called Bumpy's in Leeds next Monday and really looking forward to it.

    No doubt I will be looking for help and advice along the way and looking forward to maybe getting to know some of you veterans.



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