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Posts posted by ghankerson
  1. Hey Greg,

    Nice setup. I talked to T-Rent today and told him I had seen your photos posted on the internet. If I ever get some rocks in my backyard we can start a series.


    Awesome, and you are welcome to come over anytime and ride.


    I couldn't find the pictures of Wil's backyard at that link.

  2. A stream would be a nice feature, but that won't be happening anytime soon. Actually you can barely hear the bikes from my front yard so the noise isn't too bad. And I was at 128th street this morning Eric23. Popped a small hole in the clutch case too, oops.

  3. Thanks for the tips Plunker. I was thinking about gravel of some sorts as the dew in the morning, and my sprinklers has turned it into a mud bath. All the grass is gone where I typically ride. But the mud makes it more challenging as we don't get much of that here in the Phoenix desert. My wife is ok though with the course I setup. She knows I am having fun and she has her greenhouse.

  4. Oh that's just great............The wife wants to relandscape the back yard......I'm in trouble.

    Hey! What are you growing in the greenhouse?

    What the heck is tones?

    What was the total cost of all those rocks?

    One of the pictures you stuffed it.............need to hold pressure....although you may end up in the patio.

    We're growing all kinds of organic vegetables and herbs like, celery, parsley, artichokes, etc. I think tones is UK for ton. Well I bought 3 tons of rock for $450, plus he threw in a .6 ton one for free because he was late. Plus I borrowed 3 smaller rocks from the desert myself. Yah my buddy stuffed it on that one. I am still building up the courage to try the gap.

    And the stand works nice incase you miss. Surprisingly I probably have over 8000lbs of rock back there. But being able to ride whenever I want has really helped me get better. And there has to be over 100 different lines to choose from. Otherwise it's a 30 minute drive to the desert to ride.

  5. I've had my Beta for a year now and I am hooked on Trials. A couple weeks ago, with the wife's permission, I bought 4 tons of boulders for the backyard. So now I try to ride once a day. I have at least 15 trials videos I watch regularly which is driving the wife crazy. Anyways, this site is great! Tomorrow I'll try out the carb fix I found here and go for a backyard spin.


  6. Yah, I meant cubic foot. The guy had a crane and drove down the alley. It had a 20ft reach. I haven't tried moving the big ones yet. I have an engine hoist which hopefully should move them. Can't do it by hand as a couple of them are around a ton. Me and a friend can barely move the 500lbs one. The crane guy said he'd come out for $85/hr to reposition them if needed. I'd only need him for about 15 minutes though.

  7. Why get a new bike if you hardly ride the old one? I ride my 04 Rev3 a few times a week but have lots to learn before I even begin to challenge the bike's capability. But if you have spare cash sitting around, why not?

    I know I used to buy the new better looking bikes just because I thought I would look better on them. :icon_rendeer:

  8. My friend's 03 Rev3 started leaking oil after taking a few big hits on his last ride. He knew he needed to replace the bash plate soon, now he really does. The price here in the US is $179 for the plate and $40 for the rubber. He checked GasGas prices and the plate was only $79 from Parts Unlimited. I wonder why GasGas is so much cheaper? Anyways, does anybody have one for sale or know where he can get one at a reasonable price? Much appreciated!


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